Manage and switch between multiple proxies quickly & easily. Based on "Proxy Switchy!" & "SwitchyPlus"
Deprecated. Please upgrade to SwitchyOmega instead. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/proxy-switchyomega/padekgcemlokbadohgkifijomclgjgif ---------------------------------------------- THIS PROJECT IS NO LONGER ACTIVELY MAINTAINED! ---------------------------------------------- 项目已经不再维护,请升级到 SwitchyOmega. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/proxy-switchyomega/padekgcemlokbadohgkifijomclgjgif Features: : Use Chrome Proxy API instead of changing system proxy settings. : Support auto switching, which switches among proxy profiles according to URL rules. : Data import and export. : Online rule lists (AutoProxy? compatible). : Use event handling (which is much more efficient and accurate) instead of polling to monitor proxy change. : Advanced quick switch mode options allow you to switch among your proxies with one click. Enjoy~ Why am I working on the project? News came that @gh05tw01f decided to stop updating and supporting SwitchyPlus. So I modified the source code for my own use. In the spirit of being open, I used GPL on my modifications and started a new open source project, SwitchySharp. As users requested, I uploaded the extension to Chrome Web Store.
- バージョン1.10.7
- 更新:2020年3月14日
- 提供元FelisCatus
- サイズ197KiB
- 言語2 言語
- デベロッパー
switchyomega@catx.co - 非取引業者このデベロッパーは取引業者として申告していません。EU 加盟国の消費者とこのデベロッパーとの間に締結された契約には、消費者の権利が適用されません。