Protect My Choices - Chrome Web Store
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Protect My Choices

292 Bewertungen

ErweiterungWorkflow & Planung70.000 Nutzer
Elementmedien – 1-Screenshot


Helps preserve your opt-out choices for interest-based ads from companies participating in the DAA Self-Regulatory Program.

Protect My Choices is an extension for users seeking to opt out of interest-based advertising, and to help ensure that their opt-out choices are protected. In one step, it opts your browser out of interest-based advertising performed by companies participating in the industry self-regulatory program for online advertising, and protects those opt out choices by helping to prevent the accidental deletion of cookies that store your choices. Some things you should know: * Protect My Choices applies to interest-based advertising by participating companies. Once you install this extension, you will still receive online advertising from participating companies, and the Web sites you visit may still collect information for other purposes. * As more companies join the industry self-regulatory program, their opt-outs will be added to Protect My Choices. As with all Chrome extensions, you’ll be asked to allow Chrome to update the extension to add new opt-outs. If you do not update the extension, it will be disabled until you update it. You can confirm that your opt-outs have been set at You can always check the status of your extensions by clicking Extensions in the Window menu. * This extension and your opt-out choices apply only in this browser, so you should separately set your preferences for other browsers or computers you may use.

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  • Version
  • Aktualisiert
    15. Juni 2021
  • Größe
  • Sprachen
    14 Sprachen
  • Entwickler
    Digital Advertising Alliance
    1253 Springfield Ave Suite 120 New Providence, NJ 07974-2931 US
  • Händler
    Dieser Entwickler hat sich als Händler gemäß der Definition der Europäischen Union deklariert.


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