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Privacy Manager


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Apr 3, 2021

Куки текущей вкладки

Куки текущей вкладки. Не правильно определяет текущий сайт на вкладках других окон. Берёт данные последней активной вкладки "основного" окна. Fix плз )

Empire Energy

Feb 5, 2019

В разделе куки или сеть не включается Доп. разрешения

Версия 72.0.3626.81 в разделе куки или сеть не включается Доп. разрешения (не работают кнопки вкл/выкл).
Куки текущей вкладки (тут кнопки работают), то есть могу вкл/выкл

Dirk Fretz

Oct 31, 2018

Chrome/70.0.3538.77 creates incompatibility with PM

You probably already know this is the case, but Chrome/70.0.3538.77 (October 24, 2018) is causing PM to not be configurable, nor allowing whatever configurations were configured to function.

Dirk Fretz

Sep 29, 2018

Clearing cache on exit testing idea.

I just saw your response to me and your GitHub post. Wish I'd get email replies sent to me from the CWS, but I guess that's not an option or maybe one I haven't engaged. Anyway, if you don't get any GitHub feedback, you might try a different route. Maybe you could download Avant Browser, play with it, test it, and dig into how it the clear cache on exit function works without causing problems. I don't know if there's a coder's moral and ethical conduct problem with that idea, but I don't see one as a non-coder since every one playing with Chrome is making tweaks to a browser they don't own.

Btw, I just switched over from a hard drive to an ssd drive, and the browser cache clearing on open is still a laggy event. Sometimes it's not nearly as bad, but other times it's just as bad as if I was still using the hard drive. So, now you've got some new real world info to use.

A Shiekh

Jul 30, 2018

Plugins in not supported

i cant view my IP camera NEt surveillance in my chrome browser. when i tried to logged in its says plugins is not supported i tried difference plugin, can you help me out. Thnks

Dirk Fretz

Jun 1, 2018

Clear on browser Exit not Open

One of the things I'd suggest you do is change the clearing of items to be done on browser exit rather on browser open. For one thing, if you've got a cache that's got 500MB and up of stuff in it, it's going to take time to clear. That lag time between when you want your browser up and ready to use and when it's actually available because PM is busy cleaning it is extremely annoying. Clearing stuff on exit is how the Avant Browser browser cleaning options work. They tidy and clean up the browser during the browser shutdown process so it's fast and ready to use when you open it.

Another thing I'd do is move this extension from the Chrome Web Store category "Social & Communication" to "Productivity". Every other similar, but inferior extension on the CWS, is listed in the Productivity category. You're really hurting your exposure of this superior extension by not having it in the right CWS category.

The last thing I can think of is capitalize the "M" in "Privacy Manager". Right now as it's shown on the CWS, you're using a lowercase "m" when it should be an uppercase "M". First impressions count, and the lowercase "m" doesn't help.

Again, thanks for a great extension.

A Chrome Web Store user

May 27, 2018

How to Prevent Cookie Ads Every Time?

Am I able to prevent websites from asking if cookies are okay every time? If so, how can I do this with this extension? I have a MacBook Pro.

Brian Triebner

Nov 7, 2017

enable cookies

enable cookies

Kim Cope

May 29, 2017

Enable Cookies

enable cookies

A Chrome Web Store user

Apr 14, 2017

Location Field Search

Typing a search query in the locations field resolves to the google search page, necessitating rewriting the query. This issue disappears when I remove PM.So much for good coding and Q/A testingh.

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