Instead of keeping lists of what to block, Privacy Badger automatically discovers trackers based on their behavior. Privacy Badger sends the Global Privacy Control signal to opt you out of data sharing and selling, and the Do Not Track signal to tell companies not to track you. If trackers ignore your wishes, Privacy Badger will learn to block them. Besides automatic tracker blocking, Privacy Badger replaces potentially useful trackers (video players, comments widgets, etc.) with click-to-activate placeholders, and removes outgoing link click tracking on Facebook and Google, with more privacy protections on the way. To learn more, see our FAQ at https://privacybadger.org/#faq To get help or to report bugs, please email extension-devs@eff.org. If you have a GitHub account, you can use our GitHub issue tracker at https://github.com/EFForg/privacybadger/issues *** Why does Privacy Badger need to read and change all my data on the websites I visit? *** When you install Privacy Badger, your browser warns that Privacy Badger can “read and change all your data on the websites you visit”. You are right to be alarmed. You should only install extensions made by organizations you trust. Privacy Badger requires these permissions to do its job of automatically detecting and blocking trackers on all websites you visit. We are not ironically (or unironically) spying on you. For more information, see our Privacy Badger extension permissions explainer: https://github.com/EFForg/privacybadger/blob/master/doc/permissions.md Note that the extension permissions warnings only cover what the extension has access to, not what the extension actually does with what it has access to (such as whether the extension secretly uploads your browsing data to its servers). Privacy Badger will never share data about your browsing unless you choose to share it (by filing a broken site report). For more information, see EFF’s Privacy Policy for Software: https://www.eff.org/code/privacy/policy
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Google 不会核实评价。 详细了解结果和评价。
Nice Google2023年9月21日
莫名其妙帮我卸载掉了这个扩展 怎么回事? 有鬼
大家都觉得很棒 需要研究一下
Luke Skywalker2020年4月7日
这个玩意很实用,不需要列表,专治BAT坑爹跟踪,再也不会因为广告都懂我而蛋疼了 补充:可恶的是一开youtube就闪退,允许youtube存cookies了还是闪退,狗歌你跟这种小公司斗什么呢?不过也不能怪他,没钱赚,桑德尔皮查伊就要饿死了🌚🌚🌚🌚 再补充:插件更新以后,滑动滑块就可以让网站不出错了,这个插件是真正没毛病