Presto Lead Extractor - Chrome'i veebipood
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Presto Lead Extractor
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14 hinnangut

LaiendusTöövoog ja plaanimine200 000 kasutajad
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Lead extractor for Chrome browser. Generate leads from Google Maps. Presto Lead Extractor can extract numerous leads in minutes

WHAT Presto Map lead extractor helps you extract business listings from Bing Maps and OpenStreetMap. FOR WHOM AND WHY Is your business targeting small businesses: Restaurants, bars, grocery stores, garages, hairdressers, small clothing shops, art galleries, and so on? If that's the case, you've probably found yourself spending COUNTLESS hours browsing the Web building a prospection file. Emails, websites, addresses, and phone numbers are scattered all over the place, and, if not an intern, YOU will have to spend precious time gathering them before you can even get started prospecting. This is the modern equivalent of "Take the phone book, go to 'A' and start dialing". FEATURES Using this software and data from maps, you can: * Find leads literally at any place in the world * Quickly filter and analyze leads in Excel The app is not magic. It extracts all available data from Online maps. Without this software, you can do it manually or hire a virtual assistant to do this job. Functionality: 📍 Extract listings from Bing maps 📍 Extract listings from Open Street maps (OSM) 📊 Download as Excel with proper column types or in CSV ✨ The resulting spreadsheet contains 22 columns including phone numbers, venue name, and address (both English and localized variants), website, average rating, etc. Please note: this app is freemium software. You can use a limited version for free or upgrade for unlimited usage. The download feature is limited to the recent 40 records. NOW TO USE ON BING MAPS 1. Click on the “puzzle” icon at the toolbar. Find Presto’s icon and pin to the toolbar for quick access. 2. Search for something on Bing Maps - 3. See the number of results increasing over the toolbar icon 4. Download all records collected by clicking the “Download records” button in the extension’s popup NOW TO USE ON OPEN STREET MAPS 1) Click on the “puzzle” icon at the toolbar. Find Presto’s icon and pin to the toolbar for quick access. 2) Go to You can use any Oversee gateway - 3) Perform search by pressing “Run” - the query language is described there: 4) See the number of results increasing over the toolbar icon 5) Download all records collected by clicking the “Download records” button in the extension’s popup 5.1) Clear results if you don’t need them and want to collect from scratch ISSUES If you see that your queries are slow on the web it could break Presto functionality. GET SUPPORT Support email: DISCLAIMER The OpenStreemMap is a trademark of the OpenStreetMap Foundation, and is used with their permission. This product are not endorsed by or affiliated with the OpenStreetMap Foundation. The Bing is a trademark of the Microsoft Corporation. This product are not endorsed by or affiliated with the Microsoft Corporation. Presto Mapi juhtmeta ekstraktor aitab teil välja tõmmata äriühingute loendid OpenStreetMapist. Kas teie äri eesmärk on väikese äriühingute: restoranide, baaride, toidupoodide, remonditöökodade, juuksurite, väikeste rõivapoodide, kunstigaleriide jne? Kui see on nii, olete ilmselt leidnud end veetmas ARVATAMATULT palju aega veebis prospekteerimise faili ehitamiseks. E-postid, veebisaidid, aadressid ja telefoninumbrid on kõikjal hajutatud, ja kui mitte ei ole tegemist sisearvutiga, PEATE ise veetma väärtuslikku aega nende kogumisega, enne kui saate alustada prospekteerimist. See on modernne vaste "Võtke telefoniraamat, minema 'A' ja hakake helistama". Kasutades seda tarkvara ja andmeid kaartidest, saate: * Leida juhtmeid täpselt mis tahes kohas maailmas * Kiiresti filtreerida ja analüüsida juhtmeid Excelis Rakendus ei ole magic. See ekstrakteerib kõik võimalikud andmed Online kaartidest. Ilma selle tarkvarata saate seda teha käsitsi või palkata virtuaalassistenti selle töö tegemiseks. Funktsionaalsus: 📍 Ekstraheerige loetelud Open Street kaartidest (OSM) 📊 Laadige alla Excelina korrektsete veergudega või CSV-ina ✨ Tulemuseks olev arvutustabel sisaldab 22 veergu, sealhulgas telefoninumbreid, asukoha nime ja aadressi (nii inglise kui kohalikke variante), veebisaiti, keskmist hinnangut jne. Palun pange tähele: see rakendus on freemium tarkvara. Võite kasutada piiratud versiooni tasuta või uuendada tasuta kasutamiseks. Allalaadimisfunktsioon on piiratud viimase 40 kirjega. NÜÜD KASUTAMISEKS 1) Klõpsake tööriistaribal asuval „puzzle” ikoonil. Leidke Presto ikoon ja kinnitage see tööriistaribale kiireks juurdepääsuks. 2) Mine aadressile Võite kasutada mis tahes Oversee väravat - 3) Sooritage otsing vajutades "Käivita" - päringu keelt kirjeldatakse seal: 4) Näete üle tööriistariba ikooni suurenevat tulemuste arvu 5) Laadige alla kõik tööriistariba ikooni ekstensiooni hüpikaknas kogutud kirjed 5.1) Kustutage tulemused, kui te neid ei vaja ja soovite koguda algusest peale KÜSIMUSED Kui näete, et teie päringud veebis on aeglased, see võib katkestada Presto funktsionaalsuse. SAAGE TOETUST Toetus e-post: VASTUTUSESÕNASTUS OpenStreetMap on OpenStreetMap Foundationi kaubamärk ja seda kasutatakse nende luba all. Seda toodet ei toeta ega ole seotud OpenStreetMap Foundationiga. Introducing Presto Lead Extractor - the ultimate tool for businesses looking to target small businesses! With Presto Lead Extractor, you can save countless hours of manually searching the web for emails, websites, addresses, and phone numbers. No more taking the phone book and starting to dial. Presto Lead Extractor is here to make your life easier. Here are some of the amazing features that you can look forward to: • Extract listings from Open Street maps (OSM) • Download as Excel with proper column types or in CSV • The resulting spreadsheet contains 22 columns, including phone numbers, venue name, and address (both English and localized variants), website, average rating, etc. Using Presto Lead Extractor is easy: 1. Click on the "puzzle" icon at the toolbar. Find Presto's icon and pin it to the toolbar for quick access. 2. Go to 3. Perform search by pressing "Run" - the query language is described there: 4. See the number of results increasing over the toolbar icon 5. Download all records collected by clicking the "Download records" button in the extension's popup 5.1. Clear results if you don't need them and want to collect from scratch Presto Lead Extractor is a freemium software, so you can use a limited version for free or upgrade for unlimited usage. The download feature is limited to the recent 40 records. If you have any issues or questions, you can always reach out to Presto Lead Extractor support at So, don't waste any more time manually searching the web for leads. Get Presto Lead Extractor today and start extracting business listings from OpenStreetMap - quickly, easily, and accurately! Presto Lead Extractor is not endorsed by or affiliated with the OpenStreetMap Foundation, but is used with their permission. Get Presto Lead Extractor today and start accessing business listings from OpenStreetMap with ease!

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  • Versioon
  • Värskendatud
    16. juuni 2024
  • Funktsioonid
    Pakub rakendusesiseseid oste
  • Suurus
  • Keeled
    54 keelt
  • Arendaja
  • Mittekaupleja
    See arendaja pole ennast kauplejaks määranud. Pange tähele, et Euroopa Liidu tarbijate puhul ei kehti tarbijaõigused teie ja selle arendaja vahelistele lepingutele.


Presto Lead Extractor on teie andmete kogumise ja kasutamise kohta avaldatud järgmise teabe. Täpsemat teavet leiate arendaja privaatsuseeskirjadest.

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See arendaja kinnitab, et teie andmeid:

  • ei müüda kolmandatele osapooltele väljaspool heakskiidetud kasutusjuhtumeid;
  • ei kasutata ega edastata eesmärkidel, mis pole seotud üksuse põhifunktsiooniga;
  • ei kasutata ega edastata krediidivõime väljaselgitamiseks ega laenu pakkumiseks.
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