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babak ahariFeb 13, 2023
Dear Support Team, I am writing to express my concern about the assignments that are required for free membership on your website. While I understand the desire to maintain quality control, the assignments seem overly difficult and I believe it would be more effective if someone wrote code instead. This method of forcing users to complete the assignments could lead to frustration and ultimately result in fewer members.
0 out of 4 found this helpful
Owen SmithMar 18, 2022
Stuck on a loading screen indefinitely.
0 out of 2 found this helpful
Jessie MillsOct 19, 2021
I've been waiting for this for a while and super excited to use it! So far it seems great, will provide more detailed feedback to Canny further down the line but no issues so far.
4 out of 4 found this helpful