Google Meet - Don't forget to record ribbon
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Adds a ribbon on the top-left side of Meet to remind organizers to start the recording. Click on the ribbon to hide it.
Recording meetings is a great way to promote asynchronous collaboration in a company. Unfortunately, it happens quite often that organizers find out too late that they forgot to start the recording. Google doesn't give any option to automate recordings (probably for good reasons). So this minimalist extension helps organizer to remember about it by adding a flashy ribbon on the top-left side of the app. Simply click on the ribbon to make it disappear.
5 de 53 puntuacions
Google no verifica les ressenyes. Obtén més informació sobre els resultats i les ressenyes.
- Versió1.0
- Actualitzat28 de setembre del 2020
- Ofert pernils.hamerlinck
- Mida7.63KiB
- IdiomesEnglish
- Desenvolupador
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