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Money Money
Sep 19, 2024
Deleted history
I mistakenly deleted the web tracker on September 17th. Is there any way to restore the history from September 1st to September 17th, 2024?
And need that information for my job please advise.
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Jan 5, 2024
I just love your extension.
It would be great to have session visible of each site, so that we can know how many times a day we have opened a particular website.
thank you so much!!
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Zingyiu Lei
May 1, 2023
譬如将 “http*://*.*/*” 跟 “http*://*.*” 区分开,而这个 “http*://*.*/*“ 不包含search 部分;
或者让我自己填写正则也行。——————————————————————————————Is it possible to add statistics for a specific URL?
For example, distinguish " http*://*.*/* " from " http*://*.* ", and this "http*://*.*/*" does not contain the search part;
Or let me fill in the regularization myself.
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Apr 22, 2023
Help please
Hello, I got into a difficult situation due to the fact that the police accuse me of something I didn't do
I need to prove that I was at home on March 3, 2023
Your "Webtime Tracker" program can prove that I was at home on March 3
Can you provide me with data on the time spent for March 3
I really need it,I can provide you with all the necessary information,please help me
I would buy a subscription, but I can't buy it, when I try to buy, I get an error
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Praveen Madhavan Pillai
Apr 10, 2023
Domain Level Administration of Webtime Tracker
We would like to know if this product can be used on a domain level. Where we install it on Admin panel as enable it for certain OU. The installation will be silent at user end the tracking will be monitored by the GWAdmins.
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Jan 26, 2023
Where do I pull the reports?
So, I installed the Chrome extension but can't figure out where to pull the reports on the web activity. I click on the link for the developer's website and it just takes me to more chrome extension apps. Help please!~
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Matthew Nicholson
Nov 6, 2022
Fullscreen bug
I've noticed that my time on netflix is only tracked when I'm not fullscreen and when I have gone fullscreen the time tracker stops
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Stanislav K
Oct 31, 2022
Weekly average?
Suggestion: Let us see daily/weekly/monhtly stats and browse through them to compare our habits and see how they changed over time. Current daily and all-time are not ve ry indicative of how our habits change over time, because we can compare only today with the rest and if I use the tracker for a year and my habits changed in the past few months, there is still a lot of old habits reflected in the all-time stats.
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Martin Mendoza
Oct 25, 2022
A way to refine all-time pie chart
Hello - I love this extension and it has helped me track my browsing habits really well - thank you for making it! I would like it if were possible to refine the pie chart view for the all-time view in the "other" portion. For me, the other portion is a gray blob which is almost 50% of my browsing, so it does not give me much information. It would be nice to have a little bit more granular control over that, such as choosing a threshold below which data should be lumped into "other". Thanks!
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Joanne Naas
Oct 18, 2022
What if device is turned off?
Does turning device off and on during the day, reset the timers? Seems like times are very low compared to reality.
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