Power Automate actions handler - Chrome Web Store
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Power Automate actions handler


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RozszerzenieNarzędzia dla deweloperów654 użytkownicy
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The tool to handle Power Automate actions

The Power Automate Actions tool serves as a versatile solution for managing Power Automate actions. It offers the following functionalities: 1. Recording all HTTP requests from SharePoint: - Catching requests invoked directly from the SharePoint interface - Recording requests invoked from the browser console - Gathering requests executed with SP Editor 2. Duplicating actions in between tenants and environments: - Easily copy all actions from the "My Clipboard" section and paste them into the desired environment. 3. Coping actions from community blogs: - Copy all actions stored on a page - Copy individual actions using the provided copy button - Check out our article on bulb presence, "https://michalkornet.com/2023/04/25/Bulb_Presence.html," for a reference. 4. Storing actions in a more persistent way The project is open-sourced, and we encourage you to provide feedback in the issues section of the repository: "https://github.com/mkm17/powerautomate-actions-extension." 5. Extended Copy/Paste feature for the new PowerAutomate editor In version the new feature was added to the extension. It allows for store copied actions to the extension storage and choose which actions should be pasted to the workflow. Change Log: 1.0.3 : Handling SharePoint requests which use _vti_bin endpoint. 1.0.5 : Added support for copying actions from the new Power Automate editor.

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  • Wersja
  • Zaktualizowano
    16 stycznia 2024
  • Rozmiar
  • Języki
    English (United States)
  • Deweloper
  • Osoba niebędąca przedsiębiorcą
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