PotPlayer YouTube Shortcut, Open Links의 상품 로고 이미지

PotPlayer YouTube Shortcut, Open Links


평점 278개

확장 프로그램접근성30,000 사용자
항목 미디어 5 스크린샷
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Quickly play or add a YouTube video (playlist), Twitch to PotPlayer using buttons on the site or context menu and also via…

> HOW TO USE IT: You need to install the latest version of PotPlayer to get it working - https://potplayer.daum.net < PotPlayer is a media player developed for Windows by South Korean Internet company Kakao (formerly Daum Communications). Player can play youtube.com/watch* video links or other videos links if they are direct urls. 팟플레이어는 항상 최신 버전을 사용하세요. (최신 버전: http://cafe.daum.net/pot-tool/BHPW) 동작이 안되면 팟플레이어의 설정(F5 키)를 열고 “파일 연결” 탭에서, “mp4”같은 재생하려는 확장자와 팟플레이어가 연결되어 있는지 확인하고 적용이나 확인 버튼을 누르세요. To open a youtube.com/watch* video link or playlist link in PotPlayer you can use the buttons on the site or you can use the menu items from the context menu (the right-click popup bar) on a link or on the actual video page. You can also use mouse click on a youtube.com/watch* page or a link to open it directly in the player. In order for that to work, you need to open the extension's preferences and enable the necessary features. Optional features (disabled by default): - auto-pause a video in Youtube player; - pause Youtube player when Potplayer starts; - play video using middle mouse click on youtube.com/watch* page; - sync current video position (time) with PotPlayer; - open a Youtube link in the player using middle mouse click on a link; - «Open/Add link to player» in the context menu for any link, html5 video player If it doesn't work for you or you have portable version of player then try to open the player's settings (key "F5"), then go to "Association" tab and check any association (e.g. ".mp4") and finally press Apply or OK button (after applying the settings you can uncheck previously checked association). It's recommended to always update the player to the latest version of PotPlayer (get the latest version: https://potplayer.daum.net). Twitch PotPlayer requirements: https://github.com/23rd/TwitchPotPlayer

5점 만점에 4.6점평점 278개

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