Item logo image for Podio Super Menu

Podio Super Menu

35 ratings


32 support issues

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Joe Marino

Jun 28, 2021

Is your extension adding the word "Dig" next to the Reports buttons?

If it is from your extension, we never asked for that text to be placed there. Get it out. Seems like a redirecting advertisement to another service (ProcFu), with no way of removing from our interface.

Also, is this extension adding the red dot with the mouse-over text of Calculation delay? If so get that out, too.

Greg Mayfield

Apr 7, 2021

Podio Super Menu

We have a new staff who when trying to configure his Podio Super Menu it never loads so he can configure it.

Stacy Sawyer

Dec 9, 2019

Cut-paste rows in Sheet view?

How do you cut-paste in Sheet view? There's not a right-click menu and mine is ignoring Ctrl-Insert and Shift-Insert. Also, how do you add rows by cut-paste in the Sheet view?

Brian Woods

May 7, 2019

Unable to get this to work now

Hi, I hadn't used your extension for awhile because I stopped using Podio. Now that I'm using it again, whenever I attempt to configure your extension and then add it to Podio, I select the "Update" button but it doesn't add my selected apps. The only thing I see when I click on the Podio icon to display my menu is the Home button.

Toynk Accounting

Apr 14, 2019

Search Button and CTRL+0

Please bring back the Search button. The search was far superior to the native Podio search. We used it extensively.

Also, is it possible to enable editing of the first Shortcut so Home isn't mapped to CTRL+0. CTRL+0 is the Chrome shortcut for restoring page zoom to 100% and I use it extensively. So in Podio, out of habit, I'm pressing it quite a bit and get sent to the Podio home page. It would be great if I could change this mapping. THANKS

A Chrome Web Store user

Nov 3, 2018

extra buttons

How do we remove Blog, Search, and GlobiMail?

Waqar Ahmad

Sep 18, 2018

Regular Link

Hay Dear,
i install super Menu extention in Chrome. My Problem is i try to add athis link ( in calculation field and save podio app. output always show as a link like ( But i need iframe that looking as a example in your super Menu


Jun 14, 2018


Do you plan on porting this to Edge? Our company is about to remove chrome from their allowed applications list and we will only be able to use Edge. I really like this extension and will miss it if there is not a version for Edge.

Bryan Wojciechowski

Feb 21, 2018

Remove Ads

Any way to remove the ads for GlobiMail, Search, and blog?
At least let us move them. I get that you're trying to push your other programs, but they get in the way.

Francois Cote

Feb 21, 2018

Menu items organization

I don't seem to be able to adapt the way items are being displayed anymore. Previously there was a break before and break after options for apps. Is it somewhere else now?

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