Plugins - Chrome Web Store
Logobild des Artikels für Plugins


296 Bewertungen

ErweiterungDatenschutz & Sicherheit400.000 Nutzer
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Elementmedien – 6-Screenshot
Videominiaturansicht des Artikels
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Videominiaturansicht des Artikels
Elementmedien – 2-Screenshot
Videominiaturansicht des Artikels
Elementmedien – 2-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 3-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 4-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 5-Screenshot
Elementmedien – 6-Screenshot


Control and manage your Chrome plugins

Extension manager with shortcuts to Chrome plugins pages. When installed, it will add "Plugins" button to the toolbar. Click the icon (or press Ctrl+Shift+E) and you'll open the "plugins" menu. In the current version it includes: 🛠️ Plugins Manager -- fully-featured extensions, apps and themes manager to quickly view, enable, disable or remove extensions 🛡️ Permission Scanner -- a tool to check all permissions granted to all extensions and apps and easily see which plugins are using more sensitive permissions in simple table view And it comes with few quick links to plugin/permissions related Chrome features: 🔗 "Keyboard Shortcuts" (so you can quickly manage extension shortcuts directly from the Plugins menu) 🔗 Shortcut to the "Components" page (which replaced the original plugins page some time ago) 🔗 "Global permissions" -- to allow/block plugins globally 🔗 "Allow/Block" -- for quick access to the content permissions for the current tab This extension started as simple flash plugin button 10 years ago, but when flash was retired, we decided to turn it into one-stop "plugins control centre". The last addition (in the current version 7.0) is the permission scanner. For the next versions we plan to add even more plugins management and security related features. 🔑 This extension requires the following permissions: -- "Context Menu" -- needed to add the plugins links to the right-click menu -- "Active Tab" -- that is required for the "Allow/Block on current site" to work -- "Management" -- it needs that permission in order for the "Plugins Manager" and "Permission Scanner" to access extensions, apps and themes installed 🔒 Privacy: We do not collect any data and this extension does not communicate with any external servers. 💲Paid Promotions: This extension includes affiliate (promotional) links to third-party extension called: "Guardio Protection for Chrome". If you click on those links, we may get compensated.

3,8 von 5296 Bewertungen

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Waltraud Egger05.08.2020

ich hoffe das ich endlich was spielen kann

0 von 3 fanden diese Rezension hilfreich


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    19. Juni 2024
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