PixelParallel by htmlBurger - Pixel perfect HTML vs Design tool for developers
PixelParallel is a completely free, super handy and light HTML vs Design comparison tool for front-end developers that will help you code pixel perfect websites with ease. Built from developers to developers, PixelParallel is a tool working in favor of the ultimate precision in front-end coding. PixelParallel is AD FREE! How it works: 1. Simply upload your image and compare the semi-transparent overlay with the web page below. 2. Customize the opacity, scale and position of the image as you wish. You can also hide it or lock it. 3. Perform color difference for a strong pixel perfect precision. 4. Use the vertical and horizontal grids to achieve a pixel perfect web design. Features: - Bootstrap grid with customizable width, number of columns, gutter and opacity - Horizontal lines with customizable space between - Draggable rulers (Photoshop-like) + Reset option - Inversion (Color difference) - Separate overlays for each web page - Overlay scaling - Customizable overlay opacity - Saving overlays between sessions - All image sizes supported - Draggable overlay - Quick hide / show image - Shortcuts + customizable keyboard hotkeys - Works with local files - Intuitive UI: clean and simple; draggable; minimizable PixelParallel No Parallel in Quality Powered by htmlBurger Learn more: https://htmlburger.com/labs Follow us at: https://www.facebook.com/htmlBurgerofficial https://www.instagram.com/htmlburgerofficial/ https://twitter.com/htmlburger PixelParallel does not collect any personal data. Uploaded images are saved locally in the browser storage.
- バージョン1.2.0
- 更新:2022年11月30日
- 提供元htmlBurger
- サイズ223KiB
- 言語English
- デベロッパー
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