pig children‘s fun game - Internetový obchod Chrome
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pig children‘s fun game

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Introduction: Welcome to Pig Children's Funny Game! This is a fun game designed for children, featuring three delightful mini-games: Spring Outing, Bath Time, and Picnic. Let the children experience joy, learning, and growth in this game, as they explore the laughter-filled and surprising world of little pigs! Key Features: Spring Outing Fun: Children can lead the little pigs on an exciting spring outing adventure. In the game, they will follow the pigs through beautiful spring landscapes, explore flower fields, and witness the birth of new life. They can also collect various fun items along the way. Spring Outing offers endless fun, allowing children to experience the beauty and vitality of nature. Bath Time Paradise: In this mini-game, children will enter a bath time paradise with the little pigs. They can help the pigs take a bath, apply soap, rinse off bubbles, and make them clean and tidy. At the same time, children can learn about the importance of bathing and the correct steps to wash up, fostering good hygiene habits. Picnic Fun: In the picnic mini-game, children will enjoy a delightful picnic time with the little pigs. They can help the pigs prepare food, set up the picnic blanket, and engage in games, singing, and dancing together, creating joyful moments.Through this mini-game, children can learn social skills, teamwork, and the spirit of sharing.

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  • Verzia
  • Aktualizované
    14. mája 2024
  • Veľkosť
  • Jazyky
    Jazyky: 39
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    Webové stránky
  • Neobchodný subjekt
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