7 beoordelingen
Simple Markdown Note Taker
Mark-It lets you quickly take notes in Markdown from within Chrome. With its View and Edit modes, you can see the pretty version of your notes and format with the power of Markdown when you need to. Mark-It replaces your new tab screen with your notes in View mode so you can quickly open and read them. It also provides a toolbar popup that opens your notes in Edit mode to make quick edits without leaving your page. To switch between View and Edit mode, hit Ctrl + Space. You can also open the popup with Ctrl + Shift + F. Your notes are saved automatically! What's new in 1.2.2: Styled dark mode links to be more readable. What's new in 1.2.1: Added dark mode! Packaged fonts with the extension instead of downloading from Google Fonts. What's new in 1.2.0: Overhauled the saving mechanics. Now your notes are saved when you stop typing and they are synced with all other instances of the notes. Added a saving indicator that shows up while the notes are saving. Added a mode switch button to the popup. Other small fixes and tweaks.
4,1 van 57 beoordelingen
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- Versie1.2.2
- Geüpdatet1 augustus 2021
- Aangeboden doorMatt
- Grootte213KiB
- TalenEnglish
- Ontwikkelaar
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