Free ChatGPT for Google Chrome - ZChatGPT
Visão geral
A simple extension to allow browser users to use ChatGPT in any tab without the need to open ChatGPT or having an account.
You can BUILD Your Own ChatGPT Brain! Export your Chats and use Dark Mode! This free chrome extension returns results from ChatGPT depending on your commands, asks, text and prompts in fast and easy way. #️⃣ Control GPT brain #️⃣ Get answers for your questions / queries #️⃣ Real response from real ChatGPT3.5 turbo #️⃣ No delay #️⃣ Export your Chat #️⃣ Dark Mode 🔒 Your Privacy is Yours This extension is 100% serverless there's no backend, and it doesn't collect Any DATA. ℹ️ FAQ: 🤔 Does this extension collect any data? 🔵 No, it doesn't collect any data or analytics. Also this extension doesn't store your chat with ChatGPT and No one can see these chats. 🤔 Is this the full version? 🔵 No, v1.0.0 is an MVP version "Demo", GPTcore Studio works on making weakly updates to this extension to add new features and make it more powerful and productive. 🤔 Is this extension fully free? 🔵 Yes this version is fully free and all the next versions, because it depends on users Donations. Also any coming updates are free. You can support this work and we'll be happy. 🤔 When this extension will be open source? 🔵 Currently, we are taking it ready to be an open source project in the nearest time. To increase development and transparency with users.
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- Versão1.4.4.2
- Atualização19 de setembro de 2023
- Tamanho878KiB
- IdiomasEnglish
- DesenvolvedorWebsite
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