نظرة عامة
An addictive strategy game for fun
Choose one kind of the three races: Humans, Orcs and Dwarves Humans: For centuries Humans bravely curb their mortal enemies: the Orcish Tribes. The Orcs have taken two thirds of our world and sieged human motherland Orleiv.The time to stop the bloodshed forever has come.<br/>Humans is the most balanced race<br/> ORCS: The Orcs are savage and prolific race.Strength is their honor. War is their life. The production of new warriors is the cheapest among the all races. Orcs race has cheap but mostly weak units. DWARVES: The stoic dwarves spent countless generations mining treasures from deep within the earth. The production of warriors is expensive, but the warriors are very strong.They have dragons on their side Dwarves race has the most expensive but very strong units.
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لا تتأكد Google من صحة المراجعات. مزيد من المعلومات حول النتائج والمراجعات
- الإصدار1.0
- تم التحديث15 يونيو 2013
- الحجم18.26KiB
- اللغاتEnglish
- مطوّر برامج
- غير تاجرلم يعرِّف هذا المطوِّر نفسه بصفته جهة تجارية. بالنسبة إلى المستهلكين في الاتحاد الأوروبي، يُرجى العِلم أنّ حقوق المستهلك لا تسري على العقود المُبرمة بينك وبين هذا المطوِّر.