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Productor for Spreadshirt


21 Bewertungen

ErweiterungWorkflow & Planung5.000 Nutzer
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Elementmedien – 2-Screenshot


Copy & Paste, Excel Sheet (.xlsx) import and export, Trademark Check and many more!

Easy bulk actions for the new partner area of Spreadshirt. This plugin works in all countries (domains and languages) where you can find Spreadshirt. This plugin includes many features like color changing of all selected products on the fly, easy Excel or Numbers Sheet (.xlsx) import, which can fill your forms automatically and bulk scaling of your design on all products! ★ Fast & easy Excel (.xslx) import including price, keywords and many more ★ Change colors, position or size of your designs on all products ★ Exclude product colors you don't want your designs on (e.g. exclude white for light designs) ★ Export and Backup all your design details including translations (Backup Designs) ★ Copy Design description of existing marketplace designs and paste them in your new ones ★ DPMA (DE), USPTO (US) and EUIPO (EM) trademark checks ★ Added one-click translation for german and english Spreadshirt is your creative platform for custom t-shirts and custom clothing. You can explore our easy to use t-shirt Designer and make your own t-shirt or other personalized clothing products to spread your unique message. Disclaimer: This is not an official plugin of Spreadshirt. There may be unexpected changes to the platform, which may cause the plugin to fail.

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  • Version
  • Aktualisiert
    3. August 2023
  • Angeboten von
    Productor Apps
  • Größe
  • Sprachen
  • Entwickler
    Productor LLC
    address_redacted address_redacted, CO 80301 US
  • Kein Händler
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  • nicht an Dritte verkauft werden, außer in den genehmigten Anwendungsfällen
  • nicht für Zwecke genutzt oder übertragen werden, die nichts mit der Hauptfunktionalität des Artikels zu tun haben
  • nicht zur Ermittlung der Kreditwürdigkeit oder für Darlehenszwecke verwendet oder übertragen werden


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