Simplify Gmail
Simplify Gmail のアイテムロゴ画像

Simplify Gmail

602 件の評価

拡張機能ワークフローと計画30,000 ユーザー
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Make Gmail simpler, more capable, and more respectful

A browser extension that makes Gmail even more simple, capable, and respectful. Simplify Gmail v2 is a total rewrite 9 months in the making. It goes even further to give you the best Gmail experience possible. WHO MADE THIS? Simplify was made by me, Michael Leggett (, with some help from friends. I was Gmail's lead designer from 2008 to 2012 and co-founded Google Inbox. I've been writing Chrome extensions for years to simplify the apps I use but have only ever shared them with friends. With the unfortunate demise of Google Inbox, I wanted bring the simplified email experience to Gmail. IS IT SAFE? I'm glad you asked. You should always be super careful what extensions or apps you use with your email. Simplify is mostly some CSS plus a little Javascript to apply the CSS. There are no trackers. No data is sent or shared. No ads ever. Promise. And all the code can be inspected on Github: PRIVACY POLICY Your privacy and the security of your account and data is of the utmost importance to Simplify. We have taken the strictest stance on privacy possible. Simplify has no ads, no analytics, no trackers, and no use of cookies. Simplify does not send or receive data of any kind from a user's account or device. HAVE FEEDBACK? Gmail has a lot of features and even more 3rd party plug-ins. This may not work for you and that's ok. For everyone else, I'll do my best to update the extension as Gmail's code changes and hope to simplify other apps in the future. You can send feedback or report issues via -- I usually respond within one business day.

5 点満点で 4.5602 件の評価

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  • アイテムの中心機能と関係のない目的で使用または転送しないこと
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