Web Cache Viewer
74 оценки
Want to view cached pages and cached websites? Right-click on any link or page to view the Wayback Machine or Google Cached pages.
Web Cache Viewer lets you right-click on any link or page to view the Wayback Machine or Google Cache versions of that page. When browsing the internet, everyone eventually runs into those pesky 404 error messages that are pretty annoying. Web Cache Viewer makes dealing with 404's bearable, giving users the option to right click and view the Google Cache or Wayback machine versions of the page. One special feature of Web Cache Viewer is our built-in Wayback Machine smart feature. Our smart feature will intelligently redirect you to an archived page of the one you're on, instead of the typical archive selection screen you encounter when using archive.org directly. If Wayback Machine isn't your thing, you can also resort to the Wayback Machine alternative of using Google Cache instead. I hope you find this extension helpful. If you do, please leave a review.
3,2 из 574 оценки
Google не проверяет отзывы. Подробнее о результатах и отзывах…
- Версия1.0.0
- Обновлено23 февраля 2017 г.
- Автор:matbram
- Размер11.35KiB
- ЯзыкиEnglish
- РазработчикMatthew Mallard
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