Bulk Image Resize
27 beoordelingen
Resize multiple images with multiple size
Need a quick and easy method to resize your images in bulk? Use our custom image resizer extension today. With this extension, you can resize all your images with a simple click of the mouse button. If you wish to test the mass image resizer after installation, here is what you need to do. Close all browser windows Open a new browser tab Click on our extension icon. Write down the image size you wish to resize the images to, the width and height of the resized images Choose the images you wish to resize from your computer If you need to resize more then 5 images, its smart to download our extension and just resize your images using our software extension. This way, you wont need to do the image resizing manually.
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- Versie3.0.0
- Geüpdatet27 september 2022
- Aangeboden doorThomas David
- Grootte469KiB
- TalenEnglish
- Ontwikkelaar
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