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Patent Claims Analzyer

8 ratings


7 support issues

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Haggai G

Aug 27, 2018


Can the tool work on an html offline? (e.g one I open in chrome from my computer)

Haim Michael Modiano

Nov 2, 2016


Will my claims be transmitted via the internet?

A Chrome Web Store user

Oct 13, 2015

Why limit to certain websites?

I suggest that any text file - be it html, PDF, or etc - that contains a set of potentially patentable claims be treated as if it contained real claims.
(I search patents for a living and it would be a big help if the Patent Claims Tree extension could automatically generate a claims tree from any set of potential claims.)
I'm aware that the extension can only rely upon patents or PGPubs to contain vetted claims language, and that this suggested enhancement would definitely require a lot of error-handling & -recovery; but if enough users want it, then perhaps you would consider creating the enhancement. Thanks much for listening!

A Chrome Web Store user

Jul 13, 2015

New google chrome user

I have down loaded the app and am very excited to try it. But It is not showing up in my google chrome app file.

I am sure that I am doing something wrong. Can you help me get started?

Thanks for the app it is a great aid for those of us that are not full patent people!


A Chrome Web Store user

Mar 12, 2015

Patent search results

When the patent link contains "" the extension works fine. However, when the "search" step is present, the link to a patent contains my country of residence (.ca), and the tool icon does not show in the address bar. Here is an article on this:
"For example, if you do a Google search in France, you’ll get search results on instead of"

This is not a big deal - a switch to is provided on the search results page; however, I wonder if this can be fixed in the extension somehow.

Gabriel Sirat

Dec 27, 2014

Patent tree

I am trying to use the patent tree extension but it is not appearing on my screen when opening a patent in Google patents

What had I missed?

maii kuo

Dec 27, 2012


剛安裝的時候可以很順利顯示Claim tree
但後來關機重啟出現的claim tree就不對了

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