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How does pole vault become stamp, or sitting duck become deckchair? The brand new drawing and guessing game - with a unique twist.…

How does pole vault become stamp, or sitting duck become deckchair? The brand new drawing and guessing game - with a unique twist. It's a traditional drawing game combined with Chinese Whispers. Draw a word, pass your drawing to a friend to guess, your friend passes their guess on. The more people join in, the more bizarre your word becomes. Download the game today and start passing pics.

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  • Versiune
  • Data ultimei actualizări
    4 aprilie 2015
  • Dimensiune
  • Limbi
    54 limbi
  • Dezvoltator
  • Non-comerciant
    Dezvoltatorul nu s-a identificat drept comerciant. Pentru consumatorii din Uniunea Europeană, reține că este posibil ca drepturile consumatorilor să nu se aplice contractelor încheiate între tine și acest dezvoltator.


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