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Paperpile Extension

185 ratings

ExtensionEducation200,000 users

36 support issues

For additional help, check out the developer's support site.

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Pamela Xavier Mendoza

Mar 9, 2025

Add PDF's

I'm trying to add PDF's to my library, but it doesn't work

Rui Barros

Nov 6, 2024

search for references

how can I search for the references by clicking on the numbers on the text?

Michal Kosicki

Aug 15, 2024

As of Version 1.68.141 Chromium: 127.0.6533.120 Paperpile extension misbehaves

Specifically it racks up >60% CPU for each website with scientific article (NEJM, Pubmed, Cell etc). Also I no longer see "P" shortcut in Google docs (can still use it by clicking through extensions->Paperpile->manage citations). So some new interaction bug in Brave/Chrome.

Renata Chinen

Jul 3, 2024

Problema no funcionamento de Formatar as Citações

Quando em clico em "Format citations", aparece a mensagem "Authorize Paperpile". Eu clico em autorizar, sigo todos os passos, mas novamente ao clicar em "Format citations", volta a aparecer a mensagem "Authorize Paperpile". Já reiniciei o computador, mas o problema continua.

Rama Guggilla

Apr 14, 2024

Unable to install

I am unable to install the Paperpile Chrome browser extension and I am getting the error message "Package is invalid: 'CRX_FILE_NOT_READABLE'.

Bruno Saramago Monteiro

May 19, 2023

Chrome keeps disabling my extension mid tasks

Is there any way to prevent this? I'll be updating a folder and after a while it just crashes, unistalls it and I have to reopen the browser, which is very frustrating.

Shutian Xue

Jan 24, 2023

Waiting for Chrome Extension to be installed ...

Hello. Just now (Jan 24, 2023, EST 10:36am) my Paperpile on Chrome crashed as opened PDFs are frozen and I was unable to open a new one. This has happened before and the engineer explained to me that was caused by a server problem.

Kara Reyes

Jan 20, 2023

Supported Google app?

Google just gave me a list of apps that won't be supported after the first of the year, including paperpile. Is this correct? Did it get straightened out?


Sep 17, 2022

What do you mean by pdf annotation?

The chrome browser shows a viewer for pdf and that's about it. I do not see any way to add annotations

Victoria Fisher

Aug 12, 2022

Issues with Getting References Formatted


I am using Paperpile in google docs with Google Chrome (which is up to date). When I go to the paperpile drop-down menu and select Format Citations, it keeps saying the following:

"The Paperpile plug-in needs authorization to continue."

I have given complete authorization multiple times, turned the Paperpile extension on and off, and reinstalled it. Sometimes reinstalling works, but usually within a day or two it reverts back. The issue of it constantly asking for authorization has been going on for a number of weeks now, but I never had any issues with it during the first couple of months I used the extension. Any suggestions on how to fix this?

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