Panaya ForeSight - Salesforce Discovery
2 hinnangut
Foresee dependencies and analyze the impact before making any change in your Salesforce Org
Get unparalleled Impact Analysis for your Salesforce org with just the click of a button. Panaya ForeSight's Discovery Chrome Extension allows you to easily discover the dependencies and level of complexity that exist within your Salesforce Org. Quickly analyze your Salesforce components, including impact analysis of: Fields, Process Builders, Flows, Validation Rules, Apex code, and more. Use the side panel to analyze your components from within the Object Manager, or simply highlight any text within your Salesforce Org and analyze with Discovery to reveal the dependencies related to the selected Salesforce component, and instantly foresee the potential risk of change. Now you can seamlessly and accurately deploy to production with zero risk of post go-live errors.
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- Versioon24.12.4
- Värskendatud4. detsember 2024
- Pakub:Panaya Inc.
- Suurus281KiB
- KeeledEnglish
- ArendajaPanaya Inc.
Continental Plaza 411 Hackensack Ave. Hackensack, New Jersey NJ 07601 United StatesE-post - MittekauplejaSee arendaja pole ennast kauplejaks määranud. Pange tähele, et Euroopa Liidu tarbijate puhul ei kehti tarbijaõigused teie ja selle arendaja vahelistele lepingutele.
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