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Tab Snooze


8 ratings

ExtensionWorkflow & Planning208 users

8 support issues

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Javier Garcia Villamil

Feb 24, 2022

Interfaz usuario


La interfaz presenta un problema en chrome y es que no se ven los botones, aparece una columna muy finísima y no se distinguen donde están los botones. En firefox funciona bien.

André Strecker

Sep 28, 2021

Menu is not shown propperly

Currently the extension is not usable.

Latest Chrome version. Tab Snooze version 0.1.5
Image, look here:

Patrick Leung

Jun 19, 2019

All snoozed tabs are missing after extension crash

I am running the beta version of Google Chrome browser (Version 76.0.3809.25 (Official Build) beta (64-bit)). The extension has been crashing frequently and has to be repaired. This is really annoying since all the snoozed tabs are not saved externally (on the cloud). It has been very time consuming to redo all the tabs. Can we have google drive integration added to the extension??

Flo rian

Feb 5, 2019

Periodically Open Tabs

Please add option for Periodically open Tabs

Na Bu

May 21, 2018

Displaying full link names

Is it possible to display the full links or at least link's page title in the list that displays the snoozed tabs? Sometimes it's necessary to open the list and manually search for a snoozed tab but with the current system it's impossible to find because only the top level domain is shown.


Apr 24, 2018



Sandra Abrams

Apr 17, 2018

Only the time and date box works

I can't choose any option but the time and date and even then I can't choose the time I want. I really don't want a tab to reopen at a future day at 11:27 pm because I have to choose a time after 11:26 pm. I may be in bed the next time that comes up. How can I activate the later, tomorrow, next week etc. tabs and how can I set times for when it is right for me? Thank you,
Sandy Abrams

Martin Fukui

Mar 30, 2018

All my tabs are gone

My saved tabs are gone due to the update.

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