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TTSReader | Text to Speech In Page Reader

191 ratings

ExtensionWorkflow & Planning100,000 users

71 support issues

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Oraciones Católica

Feb 25, 2025

no se escucha

bajo los audios muy bien, pero luego de bajarlo no se escucha. gracias por ayudar

Gordon Hughes

Apr 13, 2023

How do I proceed

I have paid the money for the pro version, what do I do to install it and how do I use it

Alex Bledsoe

Apr 5, 2023

The US version

I am trying to get it to talk in the US voice on default, but it is the UK. How do I get it to reset and talk in the US version? I have uninstalled it twice with no luck!! :(

Somna Weismann

Dec 27, 2022

list items

The reader is treating list items (or other text without periods) like a run on sentence until the speaker basically runs out of simulated breath and adds a pause in a random spot. It would make more sense if there were short pauses at the beginning and end of a <ul> or <ol> and between each <li>. Alternately, if you are using innerText to read and don't have the HTML to parse at that point, pause with new lines.

Felicia Carter

Dec 18, 2022

new update is great thanks

love the update helps a lot with reading articles with selecting each paragraph u want to read


Sep 13, 2021


it wont say anything

Ross Mc Carthy

Feb 22, 2021

Keyboard Shortcut interferes with regular operations

Is there a way to disable the keyboard shortcut (Shift alt down) to play?

yishai Eyal

Apr 20, 2020


Hello, I wanted to End your subscription, I didn't know it was monthly
Yishai Eyal

Get Peace Right at facebook

Oct 12, 2019

Forward Slash /

Can the voice stop saying the words for / ("forward slash) ?

Heather Pelton

Sep 23, 2019

TTS Reader

I have a TRANSACTION ID I can supply. I used the free version and once i upgraded it stopped working. It has not ever worked please refund or correct application.

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