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Page Analytics (by Google)


1061 Bewertungen

Elementmedien – 1-Screenshot


The Page Analytics Chrome Extension allows you to see how customers interact with your web pages.

This product has been deprecated and will no longer receive updates. The Page Analytics Chrome Extension allows you to see how customers interact with your web pages, including what they click and don’t click. Use these insights to optimize your website layout, improve user experience, and increase conversions. When you view a web page for which you have Google Analytics access, you’ll see: Google Analytics metrics: Pageviews, Unique Pageviews, Avg time on page, Bounce Rate, and %Exit Number of active visitors, in real time In-page click analysis: (where users click) You can use the Google Analytics date comparison and segmentation tools directly in the extension. Pages you are tracking with the Google Analytics code for an account your Google account login has access to will appear like this in your Chrome browse By installing this item, you agree to the Google Terms of Service and Privacy Policy at https://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/. Version 1.7.7 - Fixed bug when url address had special characters. Version 1.7.6 - Resolved issue with finding web properties associated with web page. Version 1.7.0 - Added ability to select different top level metrics. Version 1.6.3 - Clicking on the extension icon shows or hides the report. Version 1.6.2 - Goal value and goal completions can be selected to show in bubbles. Version 1.6.0 - Added ability to select custom date ranges - Click bubbles now work with date comparison Version 1.5.0 - Added Enhanced Link Attribution support Version 1.4.5 - Resolved issues with users not seeing data (Now looks at the hit IDs sent by the GA tags on your page) - Improved reliability for data loading (No longer see data loading indefinitely)

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  • Version
  • Aktualisiert
    8. März 2019
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