Item logo image for LocalGalleryViewerExtension



162 ratings

ExtensionArt & Design10,000 users

65 support issues

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Eldad Cohen

Nov 29, 2022

Large folder with more then100 photos is not operating

Large folder with more then100 photos is not operating

Len Squires

Jun 18, 2021

Opening "Viewer Extension Options"

Hi, Wonderful program. Thank you :) How do you open the "Viewer Extension Options" to change background pattern and color? Thank you

Ted & Joyce Volpe

Feb 8, 2021

Upload question

The app asks if you are okay with uploading the photos, but it doesnt seem to upload. My question is, are the photos uploaded and if so, where are they uploaded to and what security do they have? I've seen this question asked, but can't see any answer.

Keeron Tom

Oct 21, 2020

HI...This is a great extension that I have been looking for!

Any plans to add more transitions like a Ken Burns effect? If not...any plans to release the source code so as to be able to build upon it? Thanks again.

Johan Weijland

Sep 1, 2020


Verstehe ich richtig? Werden alle Ihre Fotos zuerst auf eine Website hochgeladen und dann auf dem Bildschirm angezeigt (heruntergeladen)? Das bedeutet also, dass sich alle Ihre Fotos irgendwo auf einem völlig fremden Server befinden? funktioniert das tatsächlich so?
Es heißt, es sollte auch ohne Internet funktionieren. Wie stellst du das ein?


May 6, 2020

Brilliant Andreas ... Can i save my options

Andreas you have created what I have been looking for for years ... to be able to adjust the timing ... is wonderful ... now my Chromecast can replace my unusable USB for pics on my Bravia TV Wow...


Apr 28, 2020

Awesome product.

Awesome product.

William Reid

Oct 12, 2019

Is There A Help File

Hi. I'm enjoying using your Extension (Local Gallery Viewer Extension) but I do have a few questions.
1. Is there a help file that describes all the options?
2. How does Slideshow interval work? Does 5000 = ~5 seconds as it seems to?
3. How do I find that background change screen shown in the web store?
4. What are the keywords/options for Transition Speed?

Pamela Marcello

Jun 13, 2019

could a slideshow creation be saved to a junk drive? I need to use it where there is no internet.


Cyril Sachet

Mar 19, 2019

Flux audio


Serait il possible de rajouter dans les options, la possibilité de coller un lien hypertexte d'un flux audio
Le but est de caster le diaporama et le flux audio en meme temps sur ma télé


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