48 support issues

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Elizabeth Johnson

Sep 1, 2018

Not logged in

Every time I try to open, I get a message stating "You are not logged in Amazon Mechanical Turk". I log in and nothing changes


Jan 20, 2018

not working in new mturk website

Hi, Please do the needful for Openturk is not working for new mturk website...


Dec 27, 2017


I used to love it, but it's now not working. I can't get any work done :(

Michelle Stalker

Oct 7, 2017

Not working

I am unable to do many things.

Clark Family It’s How We Roll

Mar 2, 2017

website not working

Is the website down again? I have tried logging in everyday and nothing. And today the program is not working at all

Freelancer Scam

Jun 16, 2016

Break HTTPS of mturk

It seems this was down for sometime, but is back and running really good.

the only problem is that some scripts in the extension are served over HTTP so they are blocked by CHROME if you let them run this break all the HTTP of mTurk, so the extension is working HALF since CHROME is blocking some its scripts

It will be really good to have an update!!!


May 5, 2016


Can we please get an update?

When I try to add or block favs, the spinner just spins and no one is added as a fav or blocked.

Katrina Lay (whatnextk)

Jan 9, 2016

I can't connect to....

Openturk & Openturk want let me Edit Favorite Requester. Edit Blocked Requester don't work at all. Every other day I have to Edit Automatic Search Keywords. Suggestion for the Automatic Search Keywords why not unlimited search.

A Chrome Web Store user

Dec 16, 2015

Can't Connect to Openturk

Hello There,

Is Openturk now a stale extension, or are you still maintaining it and the Openturk website?

I have been trying to open the Openturk website (alpha.openturk.com) all day to no avail. It also appears that some of the functions of the extension are not working.

Will you please let me know if this is an abandoned extension, or if it's just having current difficulties.

If it is abandoned, may I suggest that you please remove it from Chrome so workers don't lose their precious time?

Thank You,
Rachael M Jones

Megan Hart

Nov 13, 2015

Keep seeing favorites that aren't there...

I have listed several favorite requester under Settings, and frequently I will see that it says "New" in front of the icon, indicating that a favorite requester has posted a batch. But then, when I click on it, nothing is there and it tells me that they are still waiting for updates. I'm really wondering what is going on with that...

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