Logobild des Artikels für Heroes & Generals Axis (Cont by K120)

Heroes & Generals Axis (Cont by K120)


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Theme content by K120 from the H&G community |||| Heroes & Generals is a new Free2Play Massive Online FPS with a Strategic…

Theme content by K120 from the H&G community |||| Heroes & Generals is a new Free2Play Massive Online FPS with a Strategic Multiplayer Campaign that takes place during World War II. Players can choose to play as 'Heroes' fighting in the trenches or take a step back and manage battlefield assets, army units and reinforcements as 'Generals'. The war is fought out continuously across Windows, iOS and Android devices with thousands of players, and the result of every clash and battle alters the scope of the ongoing war campaign and might affect the final outcome. Every conflict takes place across diverse battlegrounds including contested cities, factories and airfields, each one represented on the strategic map. The Action Game The core of the game is a team-based first-person shooter. The players can engage in combat using a variety of characters, customizable weapons and vehicles such as tanks, fighter planes and even bikes. The Strategic Layer The action-game extends into a strategic top layer that binds the individual FPS sessions into a larger war with thousands of other players. On the strategic level players are able to command other players or entire groups in Assault Teams into combat. On top of that the strategic players have to manage resources and reinforcements in order to secure key locations on the battle map. The Campaign Each part of the game can be played separately and are designed to be enjoyable for everyone no matter how deeply they wish to be involved in the war. Heroes & Generals unique combination of FPS and Strategy gameplay allows players to participate in the grand online war at hugely different levels. Once-a-week FPS gamers can play alongside hardcore 10-hours-aday master strategists, and all players play their role in the grand war. Multiple Platforms Heroes & Generals is build for multiple platforms all connected to the same massive universe. The action part of the game is playable on PC, and the strategy part of the game is accessible on PC and iOS/Android through the upcoming app Heroes & Generals: Mobile Command. Community Driven Development The development of the game is community driven with players involved in the design and development decisions. This ensures that Heroes & Generals continues to be a game by gamers for gamers. A Team of Hitman Veterans Reto-Moto was founded in 1997 and quickly transformed into IO Interactive, which went on to release Hitman and Freedom Fighters. In 2004 IO Interactive was sold to Eidos, however the founding members of Reto-Moto left Eidos and reformed their old company, bringing in some of the core developers from IO Interactive to work on Heroes & Generals. Follow us: Facebook: facebook.com/HeroesAndGenerals YouTube: youtube.com/HeroesAndGenerals Twitter: twitter.com/heroesngenerals

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