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Online translation


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Translate word or phrase with Google Translate. Online translation to Spanish. Free translator for text

Convenient translator with two options: translate the text using double click to the word during the reading or copy and paste a big part of text to the popup of extension. Beautiful design of the extension allows you simply navigate across its functionality and choose the best color theme for you. Read text fast with understanding every foreign word, because you can translate the full page at once using button in the context menu or in the popup of extension. Click to Translate also remembers the history of languages that you use and choose for the extension, so you don't need to choose it every time. Just add to the quick menu favourites. Convenient translator with two options: translate the text using double click to the word during the reading or copy and paste a big part of text to the popup of extension. Beautiful design of the extension allows you simply navigate across its functionality and choose the best color theme for you. Read text fast with understanding every foreign word, because you can translate the full page at once using button in the context menu or in the popup of extension. Click to Translate also remembers the history of languages that you use and choose for the extension, so you don't need to choose it every time. Just add to the quick menu favourites. Google Translate is a free online language translation service developed by Google. It can translate text, speech, images, websites, documents and more. It supports over 100 languages and is available on Android and iOS mobile devices, as well as on the web. Google Translate is powered by Google’s machine learning technology, which uses a large database of translations to provide accurate translations. It also uses neural machine translation, which is a more advanced form of machine translation that uses deep language knowledges. Google Translate for Chrome is a free online translation service that allows users to quickly and easily translate text from one language to another. It is available as an extension for the Google Chrome web browser and can be used to translate webpages, text, and other content. Google Translate for Chrome is powered by Google’s machine learning technology and can translate between 103 languages. It can also detect the language of the text you are trying to translate and automatically select the correct language for translate to spanish. Translate word or phrase with Google Translate. Online translation to Spanish. Free translator for text 

Google Translate
 Google Translator
 Translate to Spanish
 Online translation 
Traducir palabra o frase con Google Translate. Traducción en línea al español. Traductor gratuito de texto.

4.3 daripada 519 rating

Google tidak mengesahkan ulasan. Ketahui lebih lanjut tentang hasil carian dan ulasan.


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    26 Februari 2023
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