13 Months, a Complete Ethiopian Calendar
An Ethiopian calendar which has so many features including conversion, hollyday markings and so much more
Ethiopia has a different calendar which contains 12 months with 30 days and 13th month with 5 days which turns to 6 every four years. This calendar give you most of the things you want, some of them are 1 - Mark today when you open it [Your computer date must be correct in Gregorians'] 2 - Display both Ethiopian and Gregorian date when you hover to each day 3 - Mark Ethiopian National days, Christian Holidays and (Muslim Holidays in approximation starting from 1988 EC) 4 - It can take you to the day you want by entering complete Ethiopian day 5 - Convert both ways (From Ethiopian to Gregorian and vice versa) 6 - It displays national events and holidays in one page and navigates you to exact day to the calendar You will find it very useful once you start using it and simplify your calendar need for 150 years starting from 1900 - 2050. Your comments will be taken no matter what, Just email them via info@elexicontech.com, sinukaye@gmail.com or sinishaw_kassa@yahoo.com
4.9 ከ522 የደረጃ ድልድሎች
Google ግምገማዎችን አያረጋግጥም። ስለውጤቶች እና ግምገማዎች የበለጠ ይወቁ።
- ስሪት2.2
- ተዘመኗል5 ኤፕሪል 2019
- መጠን418KiB
- ቋንቋዎችEnglish
- ገንቢSinishaw Software Design and Developmentድር ጣቢያ
Kolfe Keranio, Woreda 14 Addis Ababa 1000 Ethiopiaኢሜይል
info@elexicontech.com - ነጋዴ-ያልሆነይህ ገንቢ ራሱን እንደ አንድ ነጋዴ አልለየም። በአውሮፓ ህብረት ውስጥ ላሉ ሸማቾች እባክዎ የሸማቾች መብቶች በእርስዎ እና በዚህ ገንቢ መካከል ባሉ ውሎች ላይ እንደማይተገበሩ ልብ ይበሉ።
በጥያቄዎች፣ ጥቆማዎች ወይም ችግሮች ላይ እገዛ ለማግኘት እባክዎ በዴስክቶፕ አሳሽዎ ላይ ይህን ገጽ ይክፈቱ