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Prayers Gadget

88 ratings

3,000 users

11 support issues

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Ahmed Moosa

Apr 14, 2021

Playing of Adhan Sound, while app is in the background?

Assalaamu Alaykum, I would like to find out if there is a specific setting to ensure that that Alarm sound is played, no matter which apps are in the foreground?
I have this problem that when the Prayer gadget is in the background and we are working on multiple apps in the foreground on, eg Excel, then the Adhan will NOT automatically play, but only rather when we click on the gadget, then only it would play the audio.
Kindly advise. Shukran

Ade Ramdan Zaeni

Nov 30, 2020

I need an Indonesian translation

Thank you very much for developing the Prayes Gadget application, this application is very helpful in our mosque as a marker of prayer time. We really need the Indonesian version, can this application be translated into Indonesian? And if you can how do you do it?

Farhan Asif

May 8, 2019

Integration for Website

Assalamu Alaikum Please, I need to integrate Website to show prayers time; how to do this. Please send me embed code for that...


Jan 16, 2017

Integration for Website

Assalamu Alaikum
Please, I need to integrate Website to show prayers time;
how to do this.

Please send me embed code for that...

Imran Ahmed

Sep 5, 2016

Couple of suggestions

A few suggestions:
- Add opacity option (would look really nice for this gadget on the desktop)
- Slight error: when in Arabic mode on Monday it says الإثنين while it should be الاثنين (i.e. hamzat al-wasl, not hamzat al-qat'), same problem for إذهب إلى القائمة الرئيسية - should be اذهب (I know this is a minor problem)

A Chrome Web Store user

Jun 18, 2016


Alhamdulillah guys good job

Musa Ahmed

Oct 31, 2015

moving problem

i use windows 8.1. This gadget stay in my middle of display i can't move i move it in to the corner of my display.

abd alhakeim zaw

May 17, 2015

we ask other colors

thanks too much
is there is different
colors because my background is also blue so no good appear

abdou rapihi

May 10, 2015

gadget for google site

Assalamo alikom;
Please, I need to integrate your gadget for my google site to show prayers time;
how to do this.


mrkha ledch

Jan 14, 2015

شكر و تقدير و إشادة و ... إفتخار

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله تعالى و بركاته...
جزاكم الله تعالى كل خير و من كل الخير و من الخير كله.
لقد نجحت نجاحا باهرا في الإلمام بكل ما يتعلق بالبرنامج و كنت بلا شك أنت الماهر في عملك.
إنه إن كان البرنامج الذي قدمته هنا من إنجازك في معظمه فأنت حقا متميز و بإمكانك أن تذهب بعيدا بعيدا بعيدا...
حفظك الله و رعاك و جزاك عنا جميعا كل خير.
وحق لن أن نفتخر بك فأنت منا و نحن منك...
لا تستهن بقدراتك و لا تدع الدنيا و المحيط الضيق يثنيانك عن مستقبل بإمكانك أن تكون فيه ذا شأن في عالمنا المسكين الذي ضاعت فيه الكرامة و القيم.
على كل حال، أنا أتمنى لك ذلك و أدعو لك بظهر الغيب...بارك الله فيك.. وأدام لك الصحة و العافية.
خالد ش. جزائري يعيش في .) ..(

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