8 support issues
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Damian Espinosa
Jul 22, 2024
Still Supported
Is this chrome extension still supported? Your website is down, so I can't test/use the premium features, but would like to. Specifically the send invoice at a later date/time.
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David Colombo
Dec 21, 2022
Send invoice later
I just signed up. I do not see the send later box when creating an invoice? Do I need to do something?
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E-Z Garcia
Sep 6, 2022
Premium Features
Hello. May be a simple question, but how do I unlock the premium features? I would like to test it out. Thanks!
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Patrick Cummings
Sep 7, 2022
Good Morning,
In order to unlock the premium account you will need to create an account on MonkBe.com. Just go to monkbe.com, click 'Become A Supporter!' and follow the signup instructions.
If you have any additional issues check out our quick tips guide here: https://www.askmonkbe.com/blog/monkbe-quick-tips or you can always email either Mark (mark@monkbe.com) or I (patrick@monkbe.com) and we will be sure to get you taken care of.
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Marie Dias
Jul 12, 2022
Transaction Quick Search
I love the Transaction Quick Search feature! Any chance it can be applied to the Suppliers/Bills/Expenses side as well? Also, is there a way that the Search would be applied to all the Transactions within the Customer or Supplier record, and not just the transactions that are currently showing on the screen?
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Mark Corum
DeveloperJul 15, 2022
I did expand the pages available and prettied it up just a tiny bit. If you go into options, there will now be an option that is turned off by default to search multiple pages - this will search each page 1-by-1 until it finds a match. Hopefully that makes things a little nicer for you!
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Mark Corum
DeveloperJul 12, 2022
Hi Marie! Thank you for the love on that particular feature, it was one of the first I worked on! I certainly can apply it to the Suppliers/Bills/Expense page. Unfortunately, there are some technical limitations that makes it only available to items currently on the screen. I have considered adding an enhancement for premium users, but I would have to figure out how to make it... not ugly... or slow... or confusing... Be on the look out for those extra pages soon though!
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Jenn D
Jun 30, 2022
Register Filter
When I filter the Bank Register (eg by 'This Year') and then want to filter more (eg to search for an amount within this year), QBO always changes my filter date to custom. So if I want to narrow my search, I have to reselect the date again. Can you make a sticky filter so I don't have to re-enter the date? (Hopefully that makes sense haha).
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Mark Corum
DeveloperJul 1, 2022
I know I already informed you, but for everyone else, a solution was pushed out for this. Thank you!
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Mark Corum
DeveloperJun 30, 2022
Haha, I believe I know what you are talking about. I will try it out on my end to see! If I need more explanation I will reach out to you.
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Jenn D
Jun 23, 2022
Still stuck in audit loop
1. Went to the checking register
2. Clicked on a JE
3. Went to the audit log
4. Clicking MonkBe Back randomly pulls up Bank Deposit and QBO Back button pulls up the JE, either way still stuck in the loop
Tested on an expense, the MonkBe Back button returned me to the dashboard instead of the register. Tested on a deposit, QBO Back returns me to the deposit, MonkBe Back takes me to a random expense, both still stuck in the loop.
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Mark Corum
DeveloperJun 23, 2022
I found the issue and it should be fixed as soon as Google approves the changes. Thanks again!
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Mark Corum
DeveloperJun 23, 2022
How strange. Thank you for letting me know. I will reproduce these steps to see if I can figure out the issue! Hope to have a fix for you by tonight.
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Mike, Matt Lenz Oil Service
May 6, 2022
Your Website - Failing to make an account.
After you added the features I requested I attempted to create an account on your site, and am finding it won't accept my information. It isn't hanging, not network data is sent out when I select Submit when checking the network usage in Chrome's console.
I'd like to give you money.
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A Chrome Web Store user
DeveloperMay 6, 2022
Thank you for letting us know about the issue. The pains of new site unfortunately. We have identified and resolved the issue. Thanks again and use "1MonkFree" for a free month if you would like!
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Mike, Matt Lenz Oil Service
Apr 12, 2022
On Saved Pages:
It'd be great if the default page was the saved pages / bookmarks. It doesn't presently save a lot of time when I have to click the same number of times to get to many of the links.
Additionally, being able to re-organize the order I put them in, instead of erasing and re-adding them in that order would be wonderful.
Bill Print:
Quickbooks Online simply does not support Bill Printing, while Quickbooks Desktop did. Not to be confused with Invoice printing, QBO does that just fine, if not better. The ability to keep printed records of the bills to pay, or paid, is a thing small business tend to do. If there was some rudimentary Bill print, that would actually do something QBO couldn't do. Especially as people are being forced to migrate with QB Desktop 2019 service ending this year.
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Mike, Matt Lenz Oil Service
May 6, 2022
This is the best. I literally noticed the bill print option while lamenting the fact it didn't exist in the default product.
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A Chrome Web Store user
DeveloperMay 5, 2022
All of these suggestion have been implemented. Thank you so much!
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A Chrome Web Store user
DeveloperApr 29, 2022
Hello, and thank you for your feedback! Sorry for not responding sooner, I am a bit new to the Chrome Developer dashboard.
The Saved Pages suggestions are great and I will work on them. The Bill Printing is interesting, and a little surprising on Intuit's side. I will workshop on it and hopefully come up with something a bit better than the generic "Ctrl + P" print command. Thanks again!
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