Item logo image for Stylebot


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ExtensionAccessibility200,000 users

62 support issues

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Susan Howard

Jun 4, 2024

Starting Stylebot

I have downloaded the Chrome browser extension Stylebot, but I can't get it to start. Please give me explicit instructions.

Susan Howard

Jun 4, 2024

starting stylebot. I

I have downloaded Chrome extension Stylebot, but I can't get it to start. I need explicit directions, please.

Lukas Brozek

May 18, 2024

Version 3.1.4 problem - rendering

My browser updated to the latest version of Stylebot yesterday and with that came a little problem. I wanted to make sure if it's because a new version is out, so I checked google store. It says the last update was yesterday. So I guess the problem came with this update as the problem started to appear recently.

There is a glitch while rendering customized pages using defined styles. When a page is being loaded, custom styles are not applied instantly (like the page is not fully rendered with custom styles before it's displayed). First it's displayed in its almost original appearance for a very short moment. Then it changes to the desired look and finally it's shown properly, but it's annoying.

Can you look into this? Thanks.

Brian Miglionico

Apr 11, 2024

Stylebot Video

Do you have video walkthroughs? I am new to it. I am trying to work with the short video shown in the chrome store but would appreciate longer-length videos.

Haakon Woodbury

Feb 13, 2024

Stylebot Hid Its Own Panel, Along With the Rest of the Site

I apparently had the entirety of the page selected when I pressed "Hide Element", so Stylebot hid everything including itself. I can no longer interact with the panel to reverse the change, and I cannot open the panel without running the CSS that hides the panel. Is there a way to remove the style changes to a single site externally? I do not want to remove the entire extension and all the modifications to other sites I've done over the years.

Darren Tessitore

Nov 7, 2023

Hide certain elements

How do I hide certain elements on a web page? I've seen someone do this and can't figure it out.


Aug 10, 2023

local host pages?

Does StyleBot work on pages hosted locally on Chrome? For example, pages hosted via Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code?

Jeroen Nieuwenhuisen

Jun 15, 2023

stylebot style locations

Hi, I'm trying to figure out where stylebot writes its data after I use Import to import styles. When I log off my profile is gone (I work in a Citrix environment) and I don't want to import my styles after every logon.


Dec 11, 2022

Chrome 108 styles not applied on first page load

Styles are not applied to websites on initial load. I have to refresh the page for styles from Stylebot to be applied correctly.

Joanna Jill Dunning

Nov 1, 2022

Doesn't work anymore :(

Doesn't work anymore :(

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