AdBlocker Ultimate
Prezentare generală
Instrumentul suprem de blocare a reclamelor. Blocați reclamele pe YouTube, Facebook și toate celelalte site-uri web gratuit!
AdBlocker Ultimate is designed with a singular purpose: remove all ads so you can focus your attention on the content you want. Features - Remove all ads - Helps block malware and tracking - Improves browser performance by removing unwanted content - No "acceptable" ads or whitelisted websites/ad networks AdBlocker Ultimate is a free extension that blocks ads and malicious domains known to spread malware; it also disables sneaky tracking. We have extensive filters that filter against annoying display and video ads (including YouTube). Unlike other ad blockers, we do not have “acceptable ads” or an advertiser whitelist (i.e. certain advertisers pay to bypass ad filters). Blocking ads has the added benefit of speeding up browsing because filtering out ads reduces CPU and memory usage. AdBlocker Ultimate allows you to easily accept ads from websites you choose, in cases where you want to give advertising credit to certain trusted websites. *** Types of ads we block *** - Text ads - Banner ads - Pop-up ads - Pop-under ads - Overlay ads - Interstitial page ads - Video ads - Webmail ads - Facebook ads *** Benefits of adblock technology *** - Improve browser speed - Improve page load speed - Decrease memory usage of pages you visit - Decrease bandwidth *** Open Source *** AdBlocker Ultimate is an open source project: https://github.com/adblockultimate/ *** Found a bug? *** Please use the report form here: https://adblockultimate.net/report
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- Versiune4.0.71
- Data ultimei actualizări25 martie 2025
- Dimensiune21.11MiB
- Limbi41 limbi
- DezvoltatorAdAvoid LtdSite
2 Venets Str. Office 2 Varna 9000 BGE-mail
adblock@adblockultimate.netNumăr de telefon
+359 88 290 4083 - ComerciantAcest dezvoltator s-a identificat drept comerciant conform definiției din Uniunea Europeană și s-a angajat să ofere numai produse sau servicii care respectă legislația din UE.
- D-U-N-S504956404
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