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Download Manager


186 ratings

ExtensionWorkflow & Planning10,000 users

6 support issues

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Tanvir Khan

Apr 5, 2022

Move deleted items from "delete all from disk" to recycle bin

It's very easy to miss-click and hit "delete all from disk" when attempting to "clear list" from the download menu. Please add an option to move deleted items to the recycle bin instead of permanently deleting them. I just hit this by mistake and am not even sure what I've just deleted, since its been a while since I've cleared the list. Thank you.

Yusuf Ginnah

Mar 31, 2022

Bulk download of mp3 links

Hi there, Thank you for the lighttweight extension, it really helps.
Please assist.
How do I download all links on any page?
I have an online index of mp3 files that I need to bulk download.
Is this extenion able to automatically detect different types of links and populate the download list?
Thank You very much,

Mikhalea Milledge

Jun 21, 2021


Hi my name is mikhalea and I have a question I wanted to know if you could add a feature to your extension that will allow people to play or download blocked private or deleted youtube videos or what about letting me use your extension for a week to download blocked private or deleted youtube videos if you say no to both questions I will understand

Peter Bacon

Oct 1, 2020

Disabling extension "This file may harm your pc" for .exe's

You have to click "keep" twice, once for the extension and once for Chrome. Is there a way to disable that?

Mohd Gharaibeh

Apr 13, 2020

Thanks for this extension

If you can send me an email i have suggestion for you ?

Mike (Mike)

Apr 11, 2020

Downloaded animation

I would like to see any kind of animation, or some sort of indication that the download is completed. I'm talking here about the button it self, not the browser notification. Maybe change color, or blink once.

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