Descripción general
An offline dictionary based on Wiktionary.
Offline Wiktionary for Chrome 9 and above. Uses HTML5 <progress> element, includes JS implementation of LZMA compression engine, WIkiText parser, Files, FileReader, Blobs, FileWriter, WebWorkers, Typed Arrays, header/footer html tags, uses HTML5 FileSystem API, xkcd comic #214, levenschtein difference, a search engine that incorporates over 4 consumer signals, binary XHR, and lots of cool stuff. Definitions and suggestions appear instantly as you're typing. And please give me a Cr48. I'm also aware that I probably broke the no-perspectives rule on the icon, but the web store icon also has a perspective, so I doubt it's a huge issue. And whatever you do, do not open the web inspector, because it has memory leaks with successive file reads that happens a lot with its binary search algorithm. Not opening web inspector is fine. This is basically a pre-release of js-wikireader which is pretty much the same thing except that js-wikireader handles multiple several-gigabyte wikipedia dumps. I'm pretty certain it works pretty well already, but I haven't figured out how to get hosting and downloading (probably payment too) to work for those dumps. But anyway, the code for that (and most of this) can be found at
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- Versión1.0.2
- Actualizado21 de octubre de 2012
- Ofrecido porantimatter15
- Tamaño8.69MiB
- IdiomasEnglish
- DesarrolladorKevin Kwok
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