Obsidian clipper의 상품 로고 이미지

Obsidian clipper


평점 7개

확장 프로그램워크플로 및 계획948 사용자
항목 미디어 1 스크린샷
항목 미디어 2 스크린샷


Easy to clip web content and paste into your obsidian vault

Obsidian Clipper is a browser extension used for parsing and clipping web content as a markdown format, and then export to your obsidian vault of provided folder. ## Feature ✂️ Easy clipping: With just clicking button, you can quickly clip the web content to your Obsidian vault. 📝 Markdown editor panel: Obsidian Clipper provides a markdown editor panel that allows you to edit and format your clipped content before saving it to your vault. With the editor panel, you can edit headings, lists, images, and other formatting to your notes or delete unuseful content. The panel also has a preview mode that lets you see how your content will look once saved by clicking outside of the editing panel. 🎨 Customizable options: Obsidian Clipper allows you to customize your clipping options to suit your needs. You can choose the target Obsidian vault, folder, and content format, making it easy to organize your notes and keep them in the right place. 🛡️ Sanitized content: For your security, Obsidian Clipper sanitizes all content you clip to prevent XSS attacks before it is saved to your local vault. 🌐 Works with many websites: Obsidian Clipper works with many websites, so you can clip content from news articles, blog posts, research papers, and more. 🚀 Fast and lightweight: Obsidian Clipper is designed to be fast and lightweight, so it won't slow down your browsing experience. The extension only runs when you use, so you can clip content and continue browsing without any interruptions. ## Getting Started: 🚀 To start using Obsidian Clipper, simply install the extension in your browser and follow the setup instructions. Once installed, you can setup your preferences and copy or edit the current tab content when opening the extension popup (If nothing shows up, please try to refresh the page) 🙏 We hope you find Obsidian Clipper useful in your note-taking and research tasks. If you have any feedback or suggestions, please don't hesitate to leave the comments or send email to me. You can find the source code here ⛩ https://github.com/Ruoyu-Klaus/obsidian-clipper

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