Flash Player - Flash emülatörü için öğe logo resmi

Flash Player - Flash emülatörü


2,1 B puan

Uzantıİş Akışı ve Planlama500.000 kullanıcı
Medya öğesi: 1 ekran görüntüsü
Medya öğesi: 2 ekran görüntüsü

Genel bakış

Flash Player, Ruffle kullanarak web üzerindeki favori flash içeriğinizi çalıştırmanın basit bir yoludur. Flash oyunları çevrimiçi…

Are you a fan of classic flash games? Miss the excitement of those addictive online games that brought you joy for hours on end? Flash Player is here to bring back the thrill of flash gaming directly to your browser, no matter where you are! Flash emulator detects flash-content on a web page (which is displayed in a pop-up window - green circle) and then replaces standard flash file playback errors "Plugin Adobe Flash Player is no longer supported" with the "Play" button, which you can click to open the game. Emulator for Flash Player that use Ruffle emulation engine enables the playback of flash content within web browsers. This encompasses flash games, videos, and various files converted into a compatible format for seamless browser integration. By utilizing a Chrome extension, users can effortlessly add SWF files to the emulator's playlist and access them with a single click. Play the games such as classic games, retro games, latest games, pacman, sonic, street fighter and other amazing games. How extension works: 1. Go to a site with flash games. 2. Click the extension logo. 4. Reload the webpage with a flash game. 5. Click on the Play button. 6. Enjoy Flash game! Warning: Flash Player is a helper tool for Google Chrome users. Flash Player is not officially affiliated with products Adobe Flash Player or any others Adobe products. The extension is completely free and easy to manage for users. If our extension is useful to you, please give us 5 stars!

5 üzerinden 4,12,1 B puan

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  • Sürüm
  • Güncellenme tarihi:
    20 Ocak 2025
  • Boyut
  • Diller
    24 dil
  • Geliştirici
    Web sitesi
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