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Definer - Popup Translator, Dictionary, AI Assistant

263 ratings

ExtensionTools20,000 users

14 support issues

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Feb 18, 2025

development plan

Do you intend to make this plugin open-source by hosting it on GitHub, so that its development can be accelerated and facilitated through the contributions of volunteer developers?


Jan 25, 2025

Suggestions: (i) drag handle for Bubble (ii) set source icon in Bubble's left pane

This is excellent extension. I installed it just a couple of days ago, and am already finding it extremely useful.

I have also created a few of my own custom data sources, one of which is Merriam Webster dictionary. However, unlike the built-in data sources with clearly distinguishable individual icons on the left pane (Bubble), all my custom data sources, including Merriam Webster, have the same fixed icon, i.e. parentheses ( ) within a box.

It would be immensely helpful if the icons could change automatically to reflect the source data or, users could be given the option to select their own icons.

In addition, while the size of the "Bubble" can be adjusted to one's preference, I think it would also be of great help if there was a drag handle that provides the ability for users to reposition the "Bubble" anywhere on a web page.

Nikolai P

Dec 17, 2024


Hello! It's a really great extension. I use it regularly and thank you a lot.
Is it possible to add two or more custom sources?

J. Alexander King

Jun 3, 2023


Hello there. This is an amazing extension. I only have 2 suggestions if that's possible:
1: Add synonyms for selected words along side the definition. That would be really helpful!
2: Is it possible to add another activation method in the form of a small icon that shows up next to the selected word?
Thank you so much for your hard work and hopefully these suggestions are of interest to you.

Timothy Watanabe

Mar 11, 2023


Hi there. Would it be possible to include etymology (word origins) in the Google Dictionary? Google has a helpful diagram for this as well.

שולמית גפן

Feb 6, 2023

תרגום לעברית

האם התוסף מאפשר תרגום מאנגלית לעברית? האם אפשר להשתמש בן גם בדפדפן BRAVE?


Nov 2, 2022

Thanks a ton for developing such wonderful one more favour

Please add an option to star/bookmark searched words for later review.

Chris B

Oct 25, 2022

Commercial version?

Do you have a paid version? I have a support issue but I don't want to ask unless I'm compensating you. If you don't have a paid version, provide your Paypal address and I'll send a fee once I get the extension working. I'm confident from what reviewers describe that it's probably a simple fix.

Sergey Khakhin

Oct 17, 2022

Adding American pronunciation to Google Dictionary Phonetics

That'd be great if there was a setting to choose whether it use British pronunciation or American pronunciation of a word :)


Aug 15, 2022

Brave search as a source

Please add Brave search as a source

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