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Social Revealer


444 valutazioni

EstensioneSocial network20.000 utenti
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Check your Facebook digital footprint

⚠️ DEVELOPER NOTE ⚠️ Facebook is gradually switching off its search endpoints Social Revealer depends on. Therefore some users might see "This page isn't available" on some searches. I'm working on a workaround/fix, please be patient. With Social Revealer you'll gain access to hidden parts of Facebook profiles. There's much more than presented on timeline… 🚀 Use cases ⭐️ Take control of your profile privacy. ⭐️ Show your share-everything friends what digital footprint they leave behind. ⭐️ Even when somebody has a blank timeline there's still a lot of data that might be seen. 🚀 How does it work? ⭐️ Social Revealer builds up special queries to get access to hidden parts of Facebook. ⭐️ It works on your profile, your friends' profiles or anyone else's profiles. ⭐️ All content you'll see is implicitly shared with you - just not visible. 🚀 Takeaway ⭐️ It's wise to think twice before sharing, liking or commenting anything. 🚀 Features ⭐️ Photos posted, liked ⭐️ Video posted, liked ⭐️ Videos liked ⭐️ Events attended, invited to, in past ⭐️ Places visited, checked-in ⭐️ Friends, followers. groups ⭐️ Employers current, past ⭐️ Pages liked ⭐️ Books, interests, music, movies, TV shows ⭐️ Notes 🚀 Security and privacy ⭐️ No data are transmitted to anywhere, ever. Social Revealer is client-side only. 🚀 Warranty/uncertainty of functionality ⭐️ Social Revealer depends on functionalities of 3rd parties therefore there's no guarantee all features will work the same forever. Some features may be removed, some new ones added. At worst it's also possible all features will stop working. Made with ♥ by Peta Sittek

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  • Versione
  • Ultimo aggiornamento:
    23 luglio 2019
  • Elemento offerto da
    Peta Sittek
  • Dimensioni
  • Lingue
  • Sviluppatore
    Peta Sittek
    Dlouha Prague 11000 CZ
  • Non commerciante
    Questo sviluppatore non si è identificato come commerciante. Per quanto riguarda i consumatori nell'Unione Europea, tieni presente che i diritti del consumatore non sono applicabili ai contratti stipulati tra te e questo sviluppatore.


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