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Flash Player that Works!


133 valutazioni

EstensioneAccessibilità300.000 utenti
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Screenshot 2 multimediale dell'elemento


Flash Player that runs flash files using Ruffle on ActionScript 3. Play favorite flash games on Web.

Flash Player is an emulator that runs your favorite flashes using Ruffle emulation engine. All games, videos, and other files are converted into an alternative format in order to open them in a browser. An easy to use extension that allows users to run any games or other SWF files using a JS emulator and existing content will simply work, without additional settings or applications. If you are bored you should definitely add this app to your Chrome. Play the games such as classic games, retro games, latest games, pacman, sonic, street fighter and other amazing games. How the extension works: 1. Go to a site with flash games. 2. Enable the player itself in the pop-up extension window (red button "Enable Flash Player Emulator") 3. Important: Reload the site page. 4. Click on the Play button. 5. Start playing. Our app detects any flash-content on a web page (which is displayed in a pop-up window - green circle) and then replaces standard file playback errors "Plugin Adobe Flash Player is no longer supported" with the "Play" button, which you can click to open the game. We uses two open-source to JS libraries (Ruffle and SWF2JS) as its emulation engine. Warning This a helper tool for Google Chrome users. Extension is not officially affiliated with products Adobe Flash Player or any others Adobe products. Flash logo® are registered trademarks of Adobe Inc. Now you no longer need to download additional applications or utility, use old versions of extension.

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  • Versione
  • Ultimo aggiornamento:
    22 gennaio 2025
  • Elemento offerto da
    Flash Emulator
  • Dimensioni
  • Lingue
    10 lingue
  • Sviluppatore
  • Non commerciante
    Questo sviluppatore non si è identificato come commerciante. Per quanto riguarda i consumatori nell'Unione Europea, tieni presente che i diritti del consumatore non sono applicabili ai contratti stipulati tra te e questo sviluppatore.


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  • Non vengono venduti a terze parti, se non per i casi d'uso approvati.
  • Non vengono usati o trasferiti per finalità non correlate alle funzionalità principali dell'elemento.
  • Non vengono usati o trasferiti per stabilire l'affidabilità creditizia o per finalità di prestito.
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