Зображення логотипа продукту Your Python Editor (Beta)

Your Python Editor (Beta)


6 оцінок

РозширенняДля розробників1 000 користувачів
Медіаоб’єкт (знімок екрана, 5)
Медіаоб’єкт (знімок екрана, 1)
Медіаоб’єкт (знімок екрана, 2)
Медіаоб’єкт (знімок екрана, 3)
Медіаоб’єкт (знімок екрана, 4)
Медіаоб’єкт (знімок екрана, 5)
Медіаоб’єкт (знімок екрана, 1)
Медіаоб’єкт (знімок екрана, 1)
Медіаоб’єкт (знімок екрана, 2)
Медіаоб’єкт (знімок екрана, 3)
Медіаоб’єкт (знімок екрана, 4)
Медіаоб’єкт (знімок екрана, 5)


Offline Python Editor based on Skulpt, entirely client side with display result & code validation

Edit & run directly in this Chrome application your python project with this useful editor and code validator ========= Release 0.13.0 - __bulitins__.classmethod.classmethod improved and some bugs fixed Release 0.12.1 - Work on Python3, complex type is added, many many minor bug fixes.... Release 0.11.2 - Fixed loading of numpy library Release 0.11.1 - Fixed bug about matplotlib Release 0.11.0 - Now editor supporting partially pygal library Release 0.10.5 - Updated python standard library and added button to go full screen graphic result Release 0.10.2 - Added tooltips for buttons of toolbar Release 0.10.2 - Added option full-screen for code editor Release 0.10.1 - Removed some permissions from file manifest not required ========= Main Features: * Free!! * Python syntax highlighting * Edit, run and validate Python code * Save code in your storage as Python application * Print result with useful preview * Drag & Drop to open python and txt file. You can use button toolbar too * Undo & Redo buttons * Ctrl-Space to autocomplete the code * Search/Replace string and jump to line (Using advanced functions with keyboard shortcuts) * Save Python code as pdf format * Keyboard shortcuts to save project as Python application (CTRL-SHIFT-S for Windows - CMD-SHIFT-S for Mac) * Keyboard shortcuts to save code as txt format (CTRL-S for Windows - CMD-S for Mac) * Numpy, matplotlib libraries partially supported Details about keyboard shortcuts: * Ctrl-F / Cmd-F (Mac): Search * Ctrl-G / Cmd-G (Mac): Search next * Shift-Ctrl-G / Shift-Cmd-G (Mac): Search previous * Shift-Ctrl-F / Cmd-Option-F (Mac): Search and Replace * Shift-Ctrl-R / Shift-Cmd-Option-F (Mac): Replace All * ALT-G: Jump to line * Ctrl-Z and Ctrl-Y / Cmd-Z and Cmd-Y (Mac): Undo & Redo Here is the list of libraries you can use: - arduino; - document; - image; - led matrix; - math; - matplotlib (partially supported); - numpy (partially supported); - operator; - plot; - processing; - random; - re; - string; - time; - turtle; - urlib; - webgl; - pygal (partially supported)

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