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SQLite Manager


34 rating

EkstensiDeveloper Tools30.000 pengguna
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Manage, manipulate, and plot one or more SQLite databases and optionally import and export records to a CSV table

This extension offers a range of functionalities to simplify your interaction with SQLite databases. It allows you to read, edit, and manipulate records within one or multiple SQLite databases. The extension conveniently displays records in a table format, which can be further visualized through plotting or exported in CSV format. For experimentation, the extension includes a sample SQLite database. Additionally, you can create one or multiple new databases directly in your browser's memory, enabling a seamless start from scratch. The extension uses the WebAssembly (WASM) version of SQLite, enabling it to open databases using its JavaScript engine. With this approach, there is no longer a need for any native application to handle SQLite databases. One feature of this extension is its blending of a Mathematica-like environment with NC (notebook computing), allowing you to have multiple computational regions within a single window. This setup allows you to run statements on different databases efficiently. The extension has an internal plotting component powered by "Chart.js," enabling you to visualize your records in formats such as "pie," "donut," or "line." Working with databases: You can drop a database onto the interface to start working with it or inspect its table structure. Notes: This extension operates entirely offline. There is no data sent or received from any external server, providing a secure and private environment for your SQLite database operations.

3,0 dari 534 rating

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  • Versi
  • Diupdate
    25 Juni 2024
  • Ditawarkan oleh
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  • Bahasa
  • Developer
  • Non-pedagang
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