Nimbus Screenshot & Screen Video Recorder - Chrome Webáruház
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Nimbus Screenshot & Screen Video Recorder

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Weblapok rögzítése,az egész böngészőablak vagy annak egy része,képernyőkép szerkesztése,majd mentése helyi fájlként vagy a Google…

Words have limitations. Nimbus Capture doesn't! Make a screenshot or recording and show exactly what you see. You can annotate your screenshots and videos with arrows, text, numbers, blur and more. Share information faster and make your point clear with Nimbus Capture. Not just if you're a student, blogger, or scientist, but simply you could also want to save the material you're interested in as a photo or video record, which is sometimes far more compact and faster than saving the full page. It's especially useful when you need to quickly add notes and comments to a photo, crop out unwanted elements, and do other basic actions. If you work as a content producer and designer, you certainly capture screenshots and video screencasts (record screen) on a regular basis. There is an awesome screenshot capture software called Nimbus Capture, a browser plugin that works in tandem with Nimbus Note. With this screen recorder (screencast recorder, video recorder screen), you may easily capture your screen (take a screenshot, record screen). You may record any part of your screen with the option of adding voice commentary from your microphone and video from your camera with the help of video recorder. You don't need to install any software or use any other devices to create a screencast, which is a video recording of actions on your computer's screen (record screen). It is sufficient to install the Google Chrome browser extension. Nimbus Capture is a reliable and simple-to-use screen recorder (screencast recorder, video recorder screen) and stream generator. It makes recording information from your screen (screenshot capture, video record, video screen), such as games, live presentations, sports, and more. Nimbus Screenshot & Screen Video Recorder has a number of advantages, including: Full screen page screenshot, window, monitor, area, freehand, or scrolling recordings are all possible as a types of screenshots capture using screen recorder. Hotkeys are used to make navigating easier and faster while making a screenshot capture or record screen with the help of screen recorder. Many URL sharing services are supported. Record a video with sound or a video without sound (record screen of anything with the help of video recorder (screencast recorder))!. Add your own text subtitles to your video or time stamp it in with video recorder screen (screencast recorder). Add a watermark to your captured video record in the video recorder. Create hotkeys. Screencasts, video records, recordings, and lectures may all be recorded and shared. Using a single shared link, drag & drop to easily download numerous files. Make important data blurred. Crop or resize a picture of page screenshot. The Nimbus Note platform allows for instant download and exchange (with only one click). Access to your data and sections via a cross-platform service. A new symbol with the letter N appears in the browser toolbar after installing the extension. When you click it, a menu appears, allowing you to select the screen capture (sreenshot capture) option you desire. The entire browser window, the visible section of the page, the chosen part, and the full page can all be captured. You may save the image right away or open it in a built-in editor once you've captured the material you need. It was a useful technique for resizing and trimming photos, as well as adding rectangular and oval highlights, arrows, inscriptions, and text clouds. With the help of screencast recorder (screen recorder, video recorder screen) you can make screenshot capture such as a web page screenshot, take a video screen, screencast record, photoshop, Skype or even Zoom screenshot. When working with screenshots (video screens) or recordings, the Nimbus Screen Capture addon offers all of the capabilities you'll need. I'd like to call attention to how well the expansion manages the capture of the entire page. Editing features enable you to apply required markups without the need for third-party software, and connection with Google Drive online storage will be useful to all users of this service. Choose the screen size (you can capture screens (screenshot capture) of the whole page, page fragment or just the visible part), capture your screens on different PCs and laptops like MacBook, HP, Lenovo, Dell, Asus, Acer, Xiaomi and so on, use our amazing editor functions to your cast: turn on a watermark, add some text, save the screenshots capture in the format you want (jpg, webp, png), change its color and even get a shareable link! In addition to the excellent screenshot function for screenshots capture, the online editor has some pretty cool features. You may use text (which can be easily highlighted), arrows, lines (which can also be changed in thickness), rectangles and different colors, blur chosen areas, add watermarks, and even formulae. At the top, you may crop or create a window snapshot, a full-page screenshot (full-page screen capture), a scrolling screenshot (long screenshot), or a fast slice. Nimbus Capture is one of the finest screenshot capture applications for Windows because of all of these capabilities.

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  • Verziók
  • Frissítve
    2024. július 22.
  • Méret
  • Nyelvek
    32 nyelv
  • Fejlesztő
    Nimbus Web Inc
    6815 Euclid Ave Cleveland, OH 44103 US
  • Kereskedő
    Ez a fejlesztő az európai uniós meghatározás szerinti kereskedőként azonosította magát.


A(z) Nimbus Screenshot & Screen Video Recorder az alábbiakat közölte a felhasználók adatainak gyűjtésével és felhasználásával kapcsolatban. Erről a fejlesztő adatvédelmi irányelveiben találhat részletesebb információkat.

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  • Nem kerülnek értékesítésre harmadik félnek az engedélyezett használati eseteken kívül.
  • nem lesznek felhasználva vagy átadva olyan célokból, amelyek nem kapcsolódnak az elem alapvető működéséhez;
  • nem lesznek felhasználva vagy átadva hitelképesség-meghatározási vagy kölcsönzési célokra.


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