Acquisisci pagine internet, parte di esse o intere finestre del browser, modifica immagini e salva le immagini su cartelle locali o…
★ Used by Several Million users on different platforms ★ Capture the entire web page or specific parts of it. Edit your screenshots with a very user-friendly interface. Record screencasts - record video from your screen. 🚀 Nimble capture will help you to: ✔ Capture the entire web page or a required section of it ✔ Capture the entire browser window ✔ Capture the browser window of other programs ✔ Quickly capture a site fragment ✔ Record video from your screen/tab (Screencasts) ✔ Record video from another active program ✔ Create your own drawing or model from scratch ✔ Paste different patterns and text boxes onto your screenshot ✔ Resize and crop your screenshot ✔ Add arrows and stickers to your screenshot ✔ Highlight text on your screenshot ✔ Save screenshots in: JPG and PNG Nimble capture supports horizontal scrolling. The editor interface allows editing objects even after you add them to the screenshot 📷 There are 3 ways to capture your screen: a) With the button in your address bar; b) With the context menu; c) With a hot key that you assign in the program settings.
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- Versione12.0.1
- Ultimo aggiornamento:26 settembre 2024
- Elemento offerto danimblecapture
- Dimensioni25.67MiB
- Lingue32 lingue
- Sviluppatore
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- Non vengono venduti a terze parti, se non per i casi d'uso approvati.
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