Item logo image for Freevee Skipper: skip ads, intros & more

Freevee Skipper: skip ads, intros & more


85 ratings

ExtensionJust for Fun20,000 users

5 support issues

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Oct 31, 2023

This was working fine, now all the sudden it is skipping through half the episode

This was working okay, not all of the sudden it's skipping through half of the episode. Rebooted, restarted, and then it tried to just spin past the entire episode again.

Deplorable Dave

Sep 29, 2023

Extension WORSE after recent forced update

I watch at lot of FreeVee on my paid Amazon Prime. Your extension worked PERFECTLY at first for everything, including skipping intros on Pime Videos like Stargate SG-1. Bravo!!
Now, after the update, I have to watch a bunch of fragments of ads before my FreeVee video starts again. Before the update the extension was SEAMLESS and perfect. I cant access the previous version. I need a way to LOCK that version in place and not auto update. Thanks, Dave

Richard Hudson

May 16, 2023

Adding Freevee Skipper directly to smart TV

Can this be done? If so, how would I add your software directly on to my LG 4K TV. If this is not possible, is there a way to add Skipper to my surround receiver? Thanks...Rich Hudson

Todd Day

May 10, 2023

FreeVee skipper seems to now hang at commercials

Used to work great for me. I think Amazon changed something to break it. Shows first second of ad as it used to, then it hangs with the circle thing spinning. I tried disabling all other extensions except the skipper, and restarting Edge, got the same results. I also tried installing it into Chrome and it is broken there as well.

I appreciate the effort you've put into making this skipper and other skippers as well. Thanks.

Jim Tennant

Mar 2, 2023

Freevee for andr5

Hi, is there any chance of this please?

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