NexusIn - Free LinkedIn Automation Tool 2024 - Chrome Web Store
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NexusIn - Free LinkedIn Automation Tool 2024

549 beoordelingen

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Bulk send LinkedIn invitation & LinkedIn message & LinkedIn inMails. Accelerate your B2B lead generation.

😋If you want to expand your LinkedIn network, find prospect on LinkedIn, promote your business on LinkedIn, and extract prospect contact information, NexusIn is the essential LinkedIn tool for you! 😋NexusIn offers large-scale automation to send invitations and InMails to your 2nd and 3rd+ prospects, automate sending customized messages to your prospects, and accelerate your marketing and promotion efforts, freeing you from manual operations! 😋As a powerful tool for lead generation on LinkedIn, NexusIn also allows you to find prospect's email and phone numbers, and export detailed prospect information including but not limited to industry, location, work experience, company information, education background, contact information, and more. 😁😁😁All of these features are completely free to use!😁😁😁 😋There are no limits on daily invitations, messages, or InMails, and it supports unlimited LinkedIn accounts! 😋Supports LinkedIn regular accounts, LinkedIn sales navigator accounts, LinkedIn recruiter accounts, and more. Core Features Description: 🚀 LinkedIn Auto connect & Auto InMails - Your LinkedIn network amplifier Scrape your leads from LinkedIn search, sales navigator search, LinkedIn post commenters, LinkedIn group members, and more. And manage them with the concept of LinkedIn campaigns. With NexusIn, you can send LinkedIn connections and LinkedIn InMails to these leads in bulk, generate a large number of leads for you, and quickly expand your LinkedIn network. 🚀 Bulk LinkedIn Message - Your LinkedIn Outreach Promote your products, introduce your brand, and even recommend yourself to your leads at scale by bulk sending LinkedIn messages to your LinkedIn 1st connections. Let you establish contact with leads in the first time and speed up communication. 🚀 Lead Management - Your Lead management expert With the concept of a campaign, group your leads and keep a record of the follow-up process of each lead. At the same time, through professional methods, we can obtain further information from leads, including the lead’s contact information (email address and phone numbers, etc.). Step out of the LinkedIn concept and let you connect with your key leads in the most direct and fastest way! At the same time, break through the LinkedIn connection limit and not be limited to conventional lead generation methods. It’s a real B2B lead generation tool! 🚀 Leads Import & Export - Lead migration artifact Quickly import any file containing LinkedIn URLs by reading files or leads exported from third-party platforms such as Waalaxy, Octopus, Doux Soup, Careerflow, Email Finder, Engage AI, etc. Accelerate your lead generation with NexusIn. At the same time, it supports the export function, which can directly export detailed customer information (including professional experience, company, school, industry, email number, mobile phone number, etc.) to Excel/CSV for further use. 📣 More features are waiting for you to discover.

4,9 van 5549 beoordelingen

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Robert Theuws18 jul 2024

werkt perfect! zeer eenvoudig en overzichtelijk!

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Jasper Spaan25 jun 2024

Importeer een lijst met linkedin url's, pas je inmail aan en de rest gaat vanzelf.

Profielfoto van auteur van review

Ezer Shea27 jan 2024

Mooie tool om je te helpen met je LinkedIn marketing. het geeft je de mogelijkheid om te schalen met je activiteiten zonder een VA


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    11 juli 2024
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